Factual error: The terrorist with the AK47 is unaware of the fact that a Harrier is hovering just outside the window until he slowly turns and see it there. He does a double take when he sees the Harrier just five metres away! A Harrier is an incredibly loud aircraft; you can hear them from three kilometers away. At that range the floor would shake with the noise and he would have been in no doubt whatever that he had been under attack for some time.

Factual error: The military ranks for everyone but O'Neil are wrong. O'Neil is a Colonel (Full bird), Kawalsky is wearing the insignia of a Lt Colonel, but is referred to by O'Neil simply as Lt., when he should be called Colonel. All the others are wearing enlisted stripes (Ferretti - TSgt, but is credited as Lieutenant Ferretti), the others are also credited as "Lieutenant", but wearing enlisted stripes.

Factual error: When Wyatt (Kevin Costner) becomes the sheriff/deputy/policeman of Wichita, Kansas, you can plainly see mountains in the background - there aren't any around there.

Factual error: When Mufasa is showing Simba the kingdom from Pride Rock they are facing the sun, yet Pride Rock's shadow is visible below them. Also in the same position, you see that they have shadows behind them. Then a few seconds later when Simba sees the shadow area the shadows are in front of them while you can see part of the sun to their left side. They would be facing south when the sun is east. How are their shadows in front of them?

Factual error: Maverick and the rest of the poker players throughout the movie are using plastic poker chips. You can tell by the sound they make when thrown. Poker chips during that time were made out of wood or ceramic.

Factual error: It is physically impossible to snow machine from the arctic circle area to Valdez in one day, as Steven Segal does.

Factual error: When the red BMW hits the curb just before joining the freeway he does so at 70. Hitting the curb at 70 would cause a blowout. (00:17:10)

Factual error: A bottle of champagne in space rotates around its centre of mass, not the midpoint of its axis of symmetry.

Factual error: Near the end of the film, the movie changes locations to Seattle. A skyline is shown and it is identified as Seattle. The city skyline that is shown is actually Philadelphia.

Factual error: The guns Lamont Cranston uses in his "The Shadow" persona are Lar Grizzly MK1 Longslide. The movie is set in the 1930s and the pistols weren't developed before the early 80s.

Factual error: Harry's tongue gets stuck to the chairlift, and stays stuck, even though it's not cold enough to see anyone's breath, or for everyone to need their jackets zipped-up. (01:11:30 - 01:13:35)

Factual error: In the saloon at night, Ben Wheeler says, "I can't afford another Workers Comp claim". Workers compensation wasn't started in the United States until 1902. (00:10:25)