Question: Does anyone know the name of the song which is playing on the radio in the beginning of the movie, when Schindler is getting dressed for the party?

Question: Was Josh Chamberlain really given mutineers like in the movie?
Answer: Yes. After the 2nd Maine Infantry was disbanded, there were 120 men with 1-year of service left. They mutinied because they said they only agreed to fight under the 2nd Maine flag and the Army disagreed. So they were marched under guard to the 20th Maine, led by Chamberlain. Chamberlain was able to convince most of them to fight, even though he was ordered to shoot any who did not fight.
Is there a reason why a few of them refused to fight?
Yes. The same reason why they mutinied.

Question: Is D'Artangne's gold sword the same prop sword which Ignio Montoya used in The Princess Bride?
Answer: No. Inigo's sword has a jeweled hilt. D'Artagnan's is not jeweled.
Answer: "Gloomy Sunday".
Kimberly Klaus