Plot hole: After Max and Allison rescue Dani from the witches, Max is driving his parents' car. Winifred flies up along side of them and asks Max to show her his driver's permit. How would she know about driving permits, since she's been dead for 300 years?
Suggested correction: There is a lot the movie doesn't show us about who they've passed and what they heard all evening. One example being we don't know everything the bus driver said to them. It's perfectly reasonable they heard somebody make reference to a driver's permit and the movie did not show us this conversation deeming it invalid to the plot.
Not referring to a learner's permit. She would have known what it means. She's emulating a cop pulling him over. She would have to know what that means...and know the difference between a license and a learners permit. Enough to find it funny and relevant to the situation.
Plot hole: It seems unlikely that Debbie would have managed to take the photographs of her husbands' murders she shows the Addams family at the end, especially considering the angle of the shot of the surgeon. He's not looking at the cam so she wasn't holding it.
Plot hole: It is firmly established in the last half of the film that movie characters and movie weapons do inflict damage and death in the real world. However, early in the film, a bundle of dynamite comes straight through the movie screen and explodes in the real world movie theatre. That quantity of dynamite should have gutted the theatre, easily; but, when Danny Madigan and Jack Slater cross from the movie world back into the real world, there is absolutely no damage to the theatre.
Plot hole: April and Kenshin switch place in time as they were - by some extraordinary coincidence - holding the scepter "at the same time" (if the concept makes any sense) in the exact same pose, with a switch that takes several second of intense lightning storms and 'tornado weather' as one of the Turtles put it. Here there is the assumption that 4 priests would be around the scepter exactly at the same time, and when the Turtles do switch with Norinaga's elite soldiers instead they certainly were in completely different poses, far away enough to ride horses, who did not get spooked one bit by the lightnings and sudden winds but rode as if nothing happened.