Trivia: Betty Spaghetti is played by director Penny Marshall's daughter, Tracy Reiner. Walter Harvey is played by the director's brother, Gary Marshall.

Trivia: When Coach Bombay is talking to the old store owner guy while he sharpens a skate and whatnot, there is a picture of Mike Modano hanging up behind them. Modano was the Minnesota North Star's first overall pick in the 1988 entry draft. He even stayed with them when they moved to Dallas in 1993.

Trivia: The scene at Danas's Luncheonette were shot at Danas's Luncheonette in Downtown Lowell, Massachusetts.

Trivia: Jack's home run streak and the fight with the Hiroshima Carp pitcher who hit him were based on 2 actual events by 2 differnt American ex-Baseball players playing in Japan, Randy Bass and Warren Cromartie respectively.