Visible crew/equipment: When Helen and the Candyman are in the psychiatrists' office, Candyman flies out of the window backwards. If you look very carefully, you can see the harness that pulls him backwards.

Visible crew/equipment: Michael Douglas spots Sharon Stone's car after the high-speed highway chase and as he walks up to her you can see the reflection in his sunglasses of the cameraman walking in front of him. (00:42:10)

Visible crew/equipment: When Levoi is visiting Maggie and Grandma at their home he is seated at the table talking with Maggie and she brings him a stack of files. There is a framed drawing on the wall behind Maggie with an American flag in it, right before the scene ends you can see the boom mic reflected in the upper left of the glass. (00:46:10)

Visible crew/equipment: During the first credits, when the name Kevin Bacon appears on-screen there's a close-up shot of a bayonet. A white screen used for lighting and filming is perfectly visible reflected on the metal.