Plot hole: On arrival at the Summerland castle the Polar Bear King becomes human during the midnight hour (as part of the spell) and performs his husbandly duties with his carry-on wife. Why did he not become human during the journey from Winterland to Summerland which took several days? (00:32:40)
Plot hole: The famous line "There can be only one" is uttered in every Highlander film. At the end of the original, Connor obtained the prize by killing the Kurgan and being the last one. However, in this film and others, you find out that there are still others around, such as Duncan, the woman who was Duncan's girlfriend in Endgame, the other immortals following Jacob in Endgame, and the ones that showed up in The Source. So, why did Connor obtain the prize? He still wasn't the last one.
Plot hole: The pipe bomb that Maggie uses to kill Freddy is the same one that was found in Spencer's room earlier in the film. It's already been established that Freddy was erasing the people he's been killing from existence, so that pipe bomb wouldn't be there to use on Freddy.