Question: Does Chip really have as many siblings as there are cups in the kitchen? Seems a bit too many, and also they aren't seen as real children at the end of the movie.

Question: Was the doctor (the owner of the sailboat in the beginning) in on Laura's planned disappearance? Or was the bad weather just a coincidence and gave her the chance to escape? Just though it was weird because her husband commented that she only gets on a boat like once a year, so I don't know how she could have planned her escape so perfectly.
Chosen answer: No, the doctor was not in on her plan. She had her escape planned for a long time, but was waiting for the right time. The stormy weather on the boat provided the "perfect" time for her to put her plan into action.

Question: What exactly did Darrin and Chris steal and how did they get caught? Also, why was their sentence seven years and how did Chris end up in a wheelchair?
Answer: It was never said what they stole, just that they were going to go to the store (probably a corner store or convenience store) and they probably stole food. They got caught because they were just kids and not good at stealing or being sneaky. However, they didn't get a 7-year sentence for the theft. It's just that the film jumps to 7 years later and Darrin is now a gang member who has been in and out of jail the whole time. He's just celebrating his release from prison for a different, unknown crime. Chris is in a wheelchair due to a gun shot wound, though it's not stated how or who shot him.
I wouldn't be surprised if Chris shot himself with the gun he alludes to having earlier on in the film when they are still children.

Question: When Little John is cutting everybody free from the gallows, he calls them milksops. Why was this word censored when it was shown on TV?

Question: When Grey questions Walker about calling children services, why did she keep asking Walker if he did call them? Grey wanted a yes or no from him but, every answer Walker gave was pretty much his way of saying yes.
Answer: He knew if he said, no, it would have been a lie. He tried to answer in a way that would not make him sound like a villain.

Question: If he forgot how to read how was he able to paint "Ritz" while at the rehab facility? Letters wouldn't have made any sense to him.

Question: Can someone please tell me why Kurt Russell is playing his own father in the flashback scenes. I just don't understand why.
Chosen answer: Why not? There's no reason why an actor couldn't play his own father at the same age - indeed, it can serve to emphasise a family resemblence between father and son. It can also serve as a swift way of letting the audience know that this is the father, rather than having a different actor come in and have to have the relationship established through dialogue.

Question: Near the end of the movie when Utah goes to capture Bohdi in Australia, he looks quite a bit heavier, was this scene shot sometime after the movie was originally filmed?
Answer: Basing this off nothing but a theory, I always thought that sequence was shot first, given his hair length. I surmised that Keanu came in with long hair to shoot that sequence, then got a haircut to shoot the rest of the movie. Again, this is 100% speculation, just my two cents.
Answer: Possibly. But remember when they were telling Utah about the 50-year storm, they said it would be next year. Plenty of time for the character to gain weight.

Question: Was there a specific reason why Dan Aykroyd and Macaulay Culkin never appeared onscreen together throughout the whole movie except after Thomas J's death?
Chosen answer: Most likely because there was no reason for a scene of them together to tell the story. It is assumed that because Thomas and Vada are friends, that Harry has interacted with Thomas many times before. There could have been scenes filmed with the two actors together that was later cut from the final film. This often happens to quicken the film's pace, shorten the running time, etc.
Answer: Harry seemed to ignore Vada a lot of the time, would suspect her friends were included in him doing that also.

Question: Is Ninny Threadgood (Jessica Tandy) really Idgie? It seems so at the end, when Evelyn finds the honey at Ruth's grave. Both Ninny and Evelyn share a sly smile, but nothing is said for sure. Anyone know?
Chosen answer: No, Ninny is exactly who she says she is. It's clearer in the book because Ninny dies and Evelyn finds the honey and the note for Ruth when Evelyn goes to see Ninny's grave.
It's common for screenplays to take liberties from their source material. In the book they are two separate people but in the screenplay, they've changed it to make them the same person.
Answer: As in the book, they are separate people. Ninny introduced herself to Evelyn as Idgie's sister-in-law, that she was married to one of Idgie's brothers: Cleveland or Theo.

Question: Did Tia Carrere use a body double for her nude scenes, such as getting into the hot tub and getting frisky with Dolph? You didn't actually see her face in those scenes.
Answer: It was a body double. She was a young and inexperienced actress who was uncomfortable doing nude scenes. However, she did pose for Playboy many years later and said, "She felt comfortable being nude."

Question: Why does Gary Oldman speak with a Russian accent when Lee Harvey Oswald was from New Orleans?
Answer: Lee Harvey Oswald was very sympathetic to the communist ideal, and lived in Russia for a while. He probably adopted the accent as an affectation towards that end.
Answer: The servants in the castle are transformed into enchanted objects because of the spell, but there are still plenty of other objects in the castle which were not originally people.
wizard_of_gore ★