Best adventure movie revealing mistakes of 1991

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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves picture

Revealing mistake: When Friar Tuck hits his head on an over-hanging branch whilst on his cart, it is really obvious his head comes into contact much earlier than the added sound effect and his eventual reaction would suggest. Plus the branch bends and flexes backwards an awful lot - it's not resistant enough to knock someone out as depicted.

Andrew Upton

More Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves revealing mistakes
Hook picture

Revealing mistake: When Rufio brings the sword down on the rope holding the slingshot, you can hear the intended sound effect, but the rope is not cut. (01:05:20)


More Hook revealing mistakes
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze picture

Revealing mistake: In the junkyard, Leo and Raph grab a long pole and plough through several Foot Ninjas with it. It is painfully obvious the ninjas react to the pole before it ever hits them. Especially the guy on the ground. (00:53:20)

Quantom X

More Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze revealing mistakes
Hudson Hawk picture

Revealing mistake: Gratuitous car explosions are nothing new in action films ... but this time the ambulance explodes in mid-air before even hitting anything. (00:32:22)


More Hudson Hawk revealing mistakes
Point Break picture

Revealing mistake: During the night surfing scene notice that the sun is evident in the background (look closely it does not appear long). There are also shots where you can see clouds and faint blue sky. Moments later you see Keanu and Lori sitting in the water with completely different lighting which was actually taken at night and further distinguishes that the surfing shots were not actually done at night time. I heard the scene was shot during the day with a filter so it looked like it was shot at night.

More Point Break revealing mistakes
The Polar Bear King picture

Revealing mistake: When the king's youngest daughter mounts the Polar Bear King the lack of effort reveals that she does this with the help of a cunningly placed stepladder. (00:25:35)


More The Polar Bear King revealing mistakes
More White Fang revealing mistakes
More Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey revealing mistakes
More Thelma and Louise revealing mistakes
Rocketeer picture

Revealing mistake: In the first shot of the club scene, where we see the clarinet up close, the ligature (the metal band that holds the reed in place) has been placed upside down. This would make it extremely difficult, if not, impossible for the clarinet to play a single note. So, the "clarinet player" physically could not play his instrument, even if he wanted to. (00:51:00)


More Rocketeer revealing mistakes
Nothing But Trouble picture

Revealing mistake: During the dinner, Dennis is addressing his sister. As she comes over by him, look at his left sleeve. It appears to be matted in, as it has a definite line at the edge of the fabric, where all other edges are softer. Then as Eldona sits the plate down, you can see a flutter between the images of Dennis' arm and the plate. Then, as Eldona turns around, you can see her dress through the gap between Dennis' arm and the plate. (00:36:30)

Movie Nut

More Nothing But Trouble revealing mistakes

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