Victor Meldrew: I wonder what the point is of living? It doesn't seem to get you anywhere.

Bertie: He wants to marry Myrtle Snap?
Jeeves: Precisely so, Sir, but Mrs. Snap refuses to consider such a venture while Sir Roderick's daughter remains unmarried. In a colourful turn of phrase she stated that specific and scarcely to be anticipated meteorological conditions would have to take place in the infernal region before she would share a home with Miss Honoria.

Jackie Rodowsky: She's a girl! Girls are totally gross!
Mary Anne Spier: Gee, thanks!
Dawn Schaffer: And what are we, space mutants?
Jackie Rodowsky: You're... you're.
Kristy Thomas: Better make this good Jackie!
Jackie Rodowsky: You're... you're baby-sitters!