Factual error: Though extremely modest by today's standards, the dress worn by Clara at the hoedown shows far too much cleavage for the time. No schoolteacher would ever wear a dress like that in the 1880s.

Factual error: Jerry Manley's corpse wouldn't have been returned to his home town as depicted. He died in a foreign country outside the U.S. from what was thought to have been a fever, his corpse would have been quarantined for possible contamination and autopsied which would have quickly determined his real cause of death from the spider.

Factual error: Asystole (the lack of cardiac activity, also known as the 'flatline') is not treated with defibrillation (electric shocks) but with alternating doses of the drugs epinephrine and atropine.

Factual error: Throughout the entire film Burt holds all of his rifles' butts underneath his armpit, rather than against his shoulder. A trained "survivalist" such as him would surely know better. Holding the "elephant gun" in such a way would most likely break his arm, wrist and hand when it fired. (00:58:20)

Factual error: When the Security Guard in the pump room gets bitten on the nose, he starts shooting with his revolver (a SIX shooter). Count the bangs. He manages to fire SEVEN times. (00:39:45)

Factual error: During the scene where Peyton is hanging from the helicopter, Durant is firing at him with a grenade-launcher. He hits several cars, most of which end up in flaming wrecks. Despite this, traffic continues as normal... If you saw cars around you exploding, would you casually continue on, oblivious? This error is especially visible with the truck driver, whom reacts to Peyton landing on top of his truck, but seems oblivious to the chaos behind him.

Factual error: Throughout the movie, whenever the domes are breached (which happens much too often) it is said that there is only vacuum outside. But Mars has an atmosphere. Its thin and mostly CO2, but it's there.
Suggested correction: While it is not a true vacuum outside the domes, it's around 1% of Earth's atmosphere. The effect of a dome breach would be close enough to a true vacuum to the people affected.
Suggested correction: "Vacuum" is a colloquial way of saying low pressure, just like the 'vacuum' you use to clean the house creates a low pressure to cause suction.
Suggested correction: It's possible human colonization of the planet affected the atmosphere.
If the Martian atmosphere ceased to exist, the sky would be always black, never red as seen in the movie (Mars' sky is actually a butterscotch color during daytime and bluish during twilight).

Factual error: When the police chief is looking at Danny's police file just before calling his father, you can see a few different phone numbers listed. These numbers are all using 213 as the area code which is for Los Angeles, CA. Given that the film takes place in New York City and that the addresses listed on the same police file are NYC addresses, the phone numbers should be using 212 area codes. (00:28:22)