Question: Why was Carl laundering $4 million into the account? Was he in debt when he says to Willie "I'm dead if the account closes", which it does?

Question: How old is Edward?
Answer: It is never stated.
Answer: As the other response says, the number of years is never stated. Physically, I think he is supposed to look about twenty years old. Bill wants him to start a proper business. None of the adults seem to think that he should be in school.

Question: What is the deal with everyone saying "beep beep" to Ritchie every time he tells a joke?
Chosen answer: It's their way of telling Richie to be quiet. To get him to stop talking.
Answer: In the book it is explained that they are telling Richie to shut up.

Question: The IMDB states that Bubba Smith was in this movie as himself. What scene is he in?
Answer: He's at the salad bar when the gremlin pops out and grabs a guy. The guy they grab is former football star, Dick Butkus.

Question: Was it all a dream to him? Did he have a vision that his life was going to be like that?
Answer: Mike, as advertised, was Mr. Destiny. When Jim Belushi asked him if he was an angel, Mike replied that when Belushi is about to make a decision, he's the little voice in his head that helps. At the end of the film, when Mike tells the teenage Belushi that everything is going to work out, the kid replies, "What do you know?"
Answer: Like "It's a Wonderful Life" he showed him an alternate life of what could have been.
Thanks then Mike the bartender must have been an angel.

Question: Does Jamie leave her at the end, after seeing her kissing outside, or will he always be there with her without her knowing it?
Chosen answer: I've always assumed that Jamie does indeed leave, going on to wherever he's going on to. My read of the story is that Jamie has come back to help her move on with her life (whether he knows that himself is unclear). As she has begun to move on, he himself can now go to whatever awaits him.

Question: Why does the gargoyle in A Lover's Vow stick around Preston disguised as the lovely Rae Dawn Chong?
Answer: The gargoyle had been watching Preston through his window for a long while and, falling in love with him, assumed a human form so she could be with him.
Answer: She most likely wanted to keep an eye on him, to make sure he would never break the vow.

Question: What was in the red backpack that John Ritter was going to give Michael Richards as ransom for Jr, since he didn't have the 100 grand that he promised him?

Question: The movie never provides a explanation for why the cops don't go in the Warzone area. Why don't they?
Answer: These areas are controlled by gangs and it is implied the police won't enter out of fear.
Answer: Carl is laundering money for drug dealers. If the account is closed and he can't get the money back then it would be lost. The drug dealers would then most assuredly murder him in retribution.