Best Christmas movie audio problems of 1990

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Die Hard 2 picture

Audio problem: In the climactic scene where the 747 is taking off, the general applies full power on the throttles and the engines spool up to full power as they should. However, in the next shot from the cockpit, the general is pulling back on the yoke, nobody's hands are on the throttles at all, and yet we hear a second (apparently) identical increase in engine power. Pulling back on the yoke has nothing at all to do with the engines - the noise we hear should remain at a constant level. (01:50:15)

More Die Hard 2 audio problems
Home Alone picture

Audio problem: When Kevin is going through Buzz's private things he finds a picture of his girlfriend. Sickened by her appearance, he smashes the picture. But the smashing sound starts before he hits it. (00:22:05)

More Home Alone audio problems

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