Trivia: The man who is getting a (fake) haircut as Akeem first enters the barber shop is played by a then-unknown Cuba Gooding Jr.

Trivia: At one point, Heather Chandler asks Heather Duke, "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?" Ironically and tragically in real life, actress Kim Walker (Heather Chandler) died of a brain tumor in 2001.

Trivia: When the film was shown during the 2003 Baseball Hall of Fame ceremony, Susan Sarandon and her partner Tim Robbins were not invited because of the controversy surrounding their anti-war views on Iraq.

Trivia: The scenes from the amusment park in the movie were filmed at Playland, in Rye, NY.

Trivia: Catherine tosses a huge black gorilla to Tess as she gets off the helicopter. This was an inside joke reference to "Gorillas in the Mist" which Sigourney Weaver had just finished filming and was released only three months before this movie.

Trivia: The Jamaica Bar scenes were filmed at the "Dragon Bay" in San Ontonio, Jamacia.

Trivia: Pat Roach - General Kael - intended to do the stunts by himself, but there was one thing that prevented this: "Insurance - they wouldn't let me." So horsemaster Greg Powell did the stunts for him.

Trivia: The scene where Jake and Christy are arguing and she yells the line "I'd go BAREFOOT." was used in a scene in the movie "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" about a year before. Moreover, Kevin Bacon, who starred in SHAB, has a cameo in the beginning of Plains/Trains.

Trivia: The hot tub used in the love scene was constructed of untreated wood and the water wasn't chlorinated. Michelle Pfeiffer, her double, and Mel Gibson suffered splinters and rashes during filming. Michelle lost time off the set as she recovered from her rash.

Trivia: This is in the version which was released first - the non-director's-cut version. As the end credits roll, we see clips from the film. Just at the end of the credits, we see a shot of Elena when she is grown up and a shot of Salvatore standing in the bar with the bright green walls. Both of these clips come from scenes which were completely cut from this version of the movie.

Trivia: When Daisy is having dinner with her boyfriend's family, check out the younger brother at the table--it's a then-unknown Matt Damon.

Trivia: There were palm trees near the Popes' home in FL and there were palm trees when they stopped at a motel in SC. Palm trees are expected in tropical and subtropical climates, but certain species can grow anywhere in SC under the right conditions. (This is true to a lesser extent in the warmer zones of North Carolina.) The "Sabal Palm" (A.K.A. "Cabbage Palmetto") is actually South Carolina's State Tree. The palms at the motel looked like "True Date" palms to me but were more than likely "Sabals." (00:02:44 - 00:08:12)