Question: Chavez calls Billy "Chivato". What does this mean?
Answer: Chivato in northern Mexico chihuahua area a Chivato is a male kid goat but also can be used as a young person full of energy, also an endearing term for a young boy. Lincoln Country is 2.5 hours from El paso TX and Chihuahua Juarez to be exact where many a cowboy spent their pay so the term would have the same meaning in Lincoln Ruidoso, Capitán where I grew up.
Answer: According to Lou Dimond Phillips himself in a tweet in response to the word, he said "'Chivato.' I'm told it means little kid, as in goats and as in Billy the Kid."
Answer: Chavez means Chivato as a young man not a traitor as some speculate.

Question: Who was the man who hung himself in the end?
Answer: The Mayor (played by R Lee Ermey) who had been told the story of Homer Wilkes and threatened with castration earlier on.

Question: Is George's Oscar Wilde quotation, "We won't have to look for work, and it won't have to look for us," genuine? (Never trust a criminal, I know).
Answer: I did an Internet search for this quote, including checking best-quotations.com, and the only reference of it I can find is tied to the movie. I do not think this is an Oscar Wilde quote. If I find something, I'll update this, as it's possibly a line from one of his plays or novels that just doesn't happen to be online. Someone else might know.

Question: In the scene in the girl's locker room, after Heather Chandler's death, why does Veronica get into a shower with her clothes on?
Answer: I think it's one of those "This can't be happening, I must be dreaming" moments. Same as when a character pinches themselves in order to wake up, or they tell someone to pinch them. Veronica can hardly believe what she and JD did.

Question: How exactly did Janet con Freddy and Lawrence?
Answer: She pretends to be a clueless, naive "mark" for them to con. They initially think she is a rich, spoiled heiress (the kind of mark Lawrence usually exploits), and make a bet as to which of them can extort $50,000 from her first. Freddy poses as a veteran in need of $50,000 treatment; Lawrence poses as the psychologist who charges a fee of $50,000 to treat him (Freddy). They later "discover" that Janet is in fact a poor girl who won a contest to go to Europe. This turns them against one another, as Lawrence wants to cancel the bet, since he does not take advantage of people who cannot afford to lose the money he takes. Janet later tells Lawrence that Freddy stole the $50,000 she raised for his treatment, at which point Lawrence, disgusted by Freddy's behaviour and rich enough to make it right, gives her $50,000 of his own to cover her loss. After Lawrence sends Janet away, Freddy arrives and it is revealed that she never gave him $50,000, and trapped him until she could tell her story to Lawrence. Only then do they realise that she is, in fact, The Jackal (another con artist whose name has been dropped throughout the story, and who Lawrence initially believes is Freddy's alias), and she conned them both for $50,000.

Question: What is the name of the song playing during the main credits?
Chosen answer: "I'm Into Something Good." It's the second song listed in the music credits, and if you don't read all the credits you miss a good part of the gags in the movie.
"I'm Into Something Good" is played during the scenes where Frank is going out with Jane. The song the person is asking about is this song. Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn-MlISDsNs.
Answer: The opening song during the credits is the theme song from the 1982 TV series "Police Squad!" The Naked Gun movies are based on the short lived TV series.

Question: Is there a reason why Mahoney wasn't in this movie? Was it stated why Steve Guttenberg didn't return to the series?
Chosen answer: He had two other movies come out that same year (High Spirits and Cocoon). He chose to do those movies over Police Academy.

Question: Liam Neeson says he needed Johnny Squares as "a video tie-in." What does he mean by this? How does a music video help a film or vice versa?
Chosen answer: MTV was extremely popular in 1988, especially with the young demographic his film was intended for. Having a music video tie-in would increase the film's exposure as well as its potential box office performance.

Question: When Nick goes to the restaurant when it is closed for the day and night, and Nick has tried to explain everything to Joanna, then she has to answer the phone, why does the camera zoom in on a pair of sunglasses at the far end of the bar?
Chosen answer: It's not the sunglasses. It's the matches. Nick is acting as though he is coming closer to Joanna to get a pack of matches, which she then notices he already has. She realises that he is trying to eavesdrop on her conversation, and although she was previously buying his apology her demeanor changes drastically once she is finished with the phone call.
Oh my gosh, thank you! One of my favourite movies, yet I didn't get this scene.
Answer: They are zooming in on the lighter not the sunglasses. He approaches her to pretend he needs matches in order to overhear who she is speaking with, she notices the lighter and that he didn't need to move from his seat, he already had a way to light his cigarette.
Chosen answer: According to the director, Pattycake is the toon equivalent to sex.
Greg Dwyer