Plot hole: One of the children is a witness that saw the man that planted the bomb in Dixie's house. He is said by a policeman to have been playing 'under the porch' and was close enough to make-out the Special Forces tatoo on the bomber's arm. Problem is, Dixie's house had no porch of any kind, and any other home's porch would've placed him too far to see such a small tatoo so confidently. (00:57:40)
Suggested correction: The rear of Dixie's house is never shown. The house could conceivably have a back porch the kid could have been playing under and the killer could have used the back door.
Plot hole: The police are on the trail of a known psychotic and mass murderer. When they turn up at the house of the mother superior, it's evident Ricky has been there, as the door has been cut open and kicked in. There is no way the other nun would have been able to freely enter the house without police escort, or even get out of the police car, as Ricky had not been located and apprehended. The house is a potential crime scene and she would not have been allowed in.