Other mistake: In the final scene where the kids are being asked what was the scariest part of the trip, Data replies "The octopus was scary." But the scene containing the octopus was deleted from the movie. The scene is shown on the DVD's deleted scenes. (01:47:00)

Other mistake: In one of the first scenes in the study, Mr. Boddy hands each guest a weapon and then proceeds to turn out the lights. The room is thrown into complete darkness. Unfortunately, there is a roaring fire in the fireplace that would have illuminated the room enough for everyone to see what was going on.

Other mistake: When Sheriff Tucker shows Pam the newspaper clippings taken from Roy's wallet, plainly two of three columns in the article are identical and have nothing to do with Jason. (01:21:35)

Other mistake: It is stated at the beginning of the film that the events that take place start in the spring of 1976, and span over the summer. The Climax, and final scene of the movie, take place on Halloween night. In the scene directly after Milt Sturmfuller was killed, the gas station attendant is seen reading about the slaying in the local newspaper. The date on the paper is Friday September 8, 1980.

Other mistake: If Freddy ripped his scalp off, it would be his skull, not his bare brain. It's not like he pulled both of them off at once. Freddy's got a skull, as we saw when Tina took his face off in the first film, so why is the top of it missing in this one?
Suggested correction: This scene takes place within Jesse's nightmare, which is Freddy's domain, so Freddy can manipulate any detail he wants, in this case, exposing his brain without cutting open his skull.

Other mistake: A long-nailed woman types the opening credits in a computer, but in a couple of instances (the Playboy Playmates, for example) you can see her type away when the credits page is already complete and the names are already there. (00:01:00)

Other mistake: The size-proportion of the pyramid seems too small in order to allow the whole structure beneath it, the whole temple and all the people inside.