Question: What does the saying "Why don't you make like a tree, and get out of here", mean?
Question: Why and who were the guys following Rocky in the car when he was training?
Answer: They were Rocky's chaperones. They were even seen in the cabin Rocky was staying in and playing chess with Duke.
Chosen answer: People who worked for the Soviet government assigned to spy on Rocky.
Question: When Bond gets trapped underwater, could it be possible for him to survive using the air in the tyres?
Question: I find it interesting that part of the final chase is against a modified truck on a set of rails. I saw no rails in the wide shots of Bartertown, and no exits for the the truck. So, where was the exit, why use a modified truck for power when it was never cranked, and how did the kid know to be prepared for the truck, or any rail traffic, at all?
Chosen answer: The train tracks would have been covered by dirt for not being used for years. The truck was already cranked, as the engine was source for the generating power and lights. The exit was boarded up and the truck ripped through it. The kids were not prepared, but did observe what the adults were doing and could have been given instructions on what to do.
Question: When Matrix says to his captors "Why not have Bennett do it, looks like something he will get off on"; did he mean it was something Bennett wouldn't go to jail for (considering he was psychotic), or was it some kind of sexual implication?
Chosen answer: A sexual implication, suggesting that it's something Bennett would find exciting.
Answer: Not sexual but something that he (Bennet) would find immense joy in doing due to his unstable mental nature akin to a sociopathic tendency.
Question: I am sure that when I watched Silverado many years ago that Cobb's men, after capturing Emmett, used a rock or stone to break the bones in his gun hand to render him harmless. The DVD I have does not have this scene - if it ever existed.
Answer: You may be thinking of The Quick and The Dead. That happens to Russell Crowe before the final gunfight.
Question: At the beginning of the movie, Goldblum's wife makes him bacon and eggs for breakfast, then when she has to go to work, she takes his uneaten breakfast away and brings it to the kitchen while he is still sitting there. Why?
Question: In Paris right before Jonathon meets Sasha, he orders a drink called Penot or something like that. What kind of drink is this and what difference did it make when he had the waiter add water to it?
Chosen answer: The drink is called "Pernod". It's an aniseed aperitiv, and when you add water to this kind of liquor it turns from clear to cloudy white.
Question: What does "Spider" pull out of the stream bed? I really don't think it's gold. Gold isn't porous, and I don't think he'd be able to hold it with one hand.
Question: What is it with Rick Masters and shooting people in the face? I counted three deaths that way.
Chosen answer: If you want to be reasonably certain of an instant kill, headshots are the way to go.
Answer: Rick can only be implicated in shooting one person in the face, and that is not seen. His henchman shoots two people in the face.
Question: The lead villain Omar bears a striking resemblance to actor Omar Sharif (although it isn't him). Was naming him Omar an in-joke or just coincidence?
Question: Why would the loco derail if the siding switch was set to the siding where the freight train went?
Answer: It wouldn't derail, it would break the bolt on points - the part of switch that moves, causing the points.
Answer: It's a way of saying "scram" or "get lost." But Biff is so dim, he doesn't realize he's saying it wrong; the expression is "make like a tree and leaf", with the joke being that "leaf" is meant to sound like "leave."
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