Stupidity: When the saw yo-yo comes down for the third time, Bond grabs the cord to pull the wielder down off the gallery. That was, when you think about it, a patently bad idea. If the yo-yo hadn't become stuck in the desk, Bond would be collecting his fingers in his hat (note that the blades are still spinning as Bond grabs). (01:15:45)

Stupidity: Johnny bleaches and cuts Ponyboy's hair and cuts and washes his own, thinking that would make them not fit the pictures of them. They look the same just with blonde hair and not greasy hair.
Suggested correction: I think you are right to a certain extent, but not necessarily when things are put in perspective. For example, they were "Greasers" and a certain image was attached to this status. Something like washing their hair would make them less noticeable among "Soc's" and other non-Greaser statuses. Anyone looking for them would not automatically assume they washed their hair or had the time to get hair cuts and bleaching while "on the lam." If an APB went out, it would contain their usual appearances.