Yoda: When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not.

Harvey "Blind" Pew: It sounded as though there was a bit of a squabble.
Moon: Squabble? They're all dead.
Harvey "Blind" Pew: Oh! Must have been more of a tiff then.

Harry Callahan: We're not just going to let you walk out of here.
Crook: Who's "we", sucker?
Harry Callahan: Smith, and Wesson, and me.

M: Remember, 007, you're on your own.
James Bond: Well, thank you, sir. That's a great comfort.

Man in Bar: Come on, damnit, we wanna hear a cluck.
Stroker Ace: Who gives a cluck?

Nigel Pennington-Smythe: What are you doing?
Illya Kuryakin: Trying to get an explosive cap out of my boot heel, so I can blast the pipe apart so we can get out of here.
Nigel Pennington-Smythe: Why would they put the explosive cap in your shoe? You'll never get it with us hanging by these handcuffs from the pipe. You'd think somebody would have thought of a better spot to put it.
Illya Kuryakin: Well, that's progress I guess?

Superior Court Judge Steven R. Hardin: The law. Nothing is right or wrong! It's either the law or its not the law. Well, we got a problem here, because it's not working anymore. It turns out that right and wrong count.

Laurie Kessler: My father's gonna kill you.
Warren Stacy: Oh, no, he's not. I know where he's at.
Laurie Kessler: That was him on the phone just now. He'll be here any second.
Warren Stacy: Oh, yeah? Then I guess I better hurry up.

Carl 'Buster' Marzack: I'm getting too old for this shit.

Chifano: Braden, you're dealing with me now. As far as you're concerned, that stuff is already paid for. It's mine. So don't try any funny stuff.
Braden: Don't fuck with the Japanese, Chifano. They can be very dangerous.
Chifano: I'll fuck with whoever I want. I don't need you. I'll make my own deals.
Braden: If you're thinking about going behind my back Chifano, you'll be making a big mistake. A very big mistake. You don't even know me yet.