Trivia: Steven Spielberg has a cameo as one of the doctors when Elliot and E.T. are 'hospitalized' inside the house.

Trivia: After all the men have gone off in search of the horse, Spur is left behind at Harrison's homestead to flirt with Mrs. Bailey. He playfully chases her around the kitchen table and in so doing passes a platter of chicken. Without pausing, Spur sweeps down, grabs a chunk and takes a ravenous bite, then continues his lap around the table. As he approaches the camera on the near side, he starts to speak and a small chunk of chicken is shot from his mouth directly in to his up swinging hand. He then places his hand on the table to deposit the chunk of chicken.
Suggested correction: Spur does his chasing of Miss Bailey when he brings Jessica home. He returns when everyone leaves to find the horses. He jumps from his cart to horseback when Miss Bailey said everyone had left. Spur says someone needs to watch over the women.

Trivia: Mrs. Brisby's eldest daughter was voiced by a young Shannen Doherty, later to become famous for her role as Brenda in "Beverly Hills 90210."

Trivia: The actors inside of the Skeksis had television monitors inside of their costumes, so that they could see where they were going.

Trivia: In the original book, the boy who's friends with the snowman isn't given a name. In the film he's given a gift by Father Christmas with a nametag on it, so the filmmakers opted for James, the husband of one of the animators.