Trivia: Trail of the Pink Panther was made by editing together deleted scenes and outtakes from five previous Pink Panther films and is widely regarded as a tasteless attempt to cash in on Peter Sellers' death. Sellers' widow, Lynn Frederick, sued MGM, United Artists, and director Blake Edwards, accusing them of tarnishing her late husband's reputation and seeking to have the film banned. She was awarded US$1,000,000 in damages, but her application to have the film banned was dismissed.

Trivia: In the hilarious fist-fight scene between Nolte and Murphy, they each punch each other the exact same number of times. The fight begins with Murphy landing more punches on Nolte, but then Nolte catches up by the end of the sequence. However, if you count correctly, you'll notice that Nolte is still one punch behind Murphy. That's why once they are both back sitting in the car, about to drive off, Nolte suddenly lands one last knuckle sandwich squarely on Murphy's jaw - now they are even.