Opening Narration: Hollywood, California. Home to the rich and powerful. Yet so popular with the broken and destitute. Here sex - hunger is reflected in every aspect of daily life, and instant gratification is tirelessly pursued. A center of casual violence and capricious harassment. Where rampant vice and amorality permeate every strata of society... It is a known fact that prolonged exposure to just such a psychopathic environment will eventually warp even the most normal and decent among us.

Sidney Bruhl: Every time I come in this bloody house, you scream.

Deneen: You jerks don't belong here.
Peter Stegman: Shut your hole, you little dyke.

Gary Mark Gilmore: Go down on me, partner... I need it.
Nicole Baker: Don't call me partner.
Gary Mark Gilmore: No, darlin'... I love it... I love it.
Nicole Baker: Yeah, you and seven other motherfuckers.

Secretary: Is Mr. Langford expecting you?
Rupert Pupkin: Yes, I don't think he is.

Biker Leader: Me and my boys chew up towns like this.
Sheriff Dan Stevens: Is that so?
Biker Leader: Oh yeah.
Sheriff Dan Stevens: Then that tells me something. You've never been through this town before.
Biker Leader: What makes you so damn sure of that?
Sheriff Dan Stevens: Because this little town would ruin those pretty white teeth of yours.