Question: When Khan speaks to Kirk, he tells him that he wants revenge for the death of his wife. Who was Khan's wife?
Answer: Lt. Marla McGivers was the crew member.
Answer: This is a reference to the TV show episode that this movie is a distant sequel to. In that episode, one of Kirk's crew falls in love with Khan and helps him take over the ship. When Khan is exiled to the planet, she chooses to go with him. So it would be that after the catastrophic events of one of the planets in that system exploding and causing all sorts of damage to their new planet, she was killed there and Khan blames Kirk for it.

Question: When Jen looks at the shard, he sees in image of a Skeksis striking the crystal, but why when the beings of light appear, do they say that they were the ones responsible for shattering it?
Answer: The skeksis and the beings of light are the same, each being a different side (good and bad) therefore it was there evil side (the skeksis) that struck the crystal.
Answer: The creatures did not eat Dar because the eagle landed on him, showing him as a friend to the eagle. They apparently worship eagles, as also indicated by the talisman they give him.