Revealing mistake: When Mr. T and Rocky are about to fight for the second time, the camera shows a view of the crowd, if you look closely in the top left hand corner there is a billboard with Rocky and Apollo with superfight 2 on it. This is a scene from Rocky 2.

Revealing mistake: When the Enterprise is leaving space dock, look at the right (starboard) side of the ship. You can see the shape of the mounting arm the model was mounted on, even though it was blacked out to look like space, and it also blocked out the bottom of the dock. The footage was reused from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Revealing mistake: After the snake lady is dead, eyes open, Deckard rolls her head from camera right to camera left. Her eyes move. (00:59:15)

Revealing mistake: When Rambo throws a rock at the police helicopter and knocks Galt out, you can clearly tell it's a stuntman. Galt is in his 40s and overweight. The guy that was falling looked like he was 25 and was noticeably thinner.

Revealing mistake: During the Eddie and Nick fight scene, you can clearly see the stuntman for Eddie. He looks nothing like him.

Revealing mistake: While escaping from the orgy raid, Valeria stops and kills a few pursuers. However, her last strike never makes contact with the guard.

Revealing mistake: Jen Moo cuts off the God Skills monk's ear, but as Ching picks it up, it strangely shows no opening for the ear canal.

Revealing mistake: After Flynn, Tron and Ram take their drink, they resume their journey in their stolen Light Cycles. There is a shot of them coming around a corner and riding along a cliff side. If you look carefully (this is painfully obvious if you go frame by frame) they don't actually come around the corner. Their Light Cycles simply appear one by one and they make their turn. (00:50:40)

Revealing mistake: When the savages raid the village, one passes a meter away from a woman who cries in pain and turns her head to show a bloody wound. Problem is, he missed her by way too much.

Revealing mistake: After the real Leon Sprague is clubbed to death, Pavel Upenskoy and his accomplice toss him into the nearby river. Just before he is dumped, the corpses left hand flexes open and bends upward towards Upenskoy's head.

Revealing mistake: During the final fight sequence between Paul Kersey and Nirvana at the hospital, at one point you can see that Kersey is not Charles Bronson but his stunt double.

Revealing mistake: Chong arrives at the curbside of the airport. The guy pulls up in a yellow Datsun for him. The fender is already dented. Chong starts throwing the guy into the fender at the exact point of the dent - the fender must've gotten dented in an earlier take.

Revealing mistake: When Alison discovers Nancy and Tom are dead you see Tom's dead face change in each closeup. When she rushes out of the door in a panic Tom's eyes move as she opens the door and then moves again as the door closes. (01:03:40)