Audio problem: During the climax of the film, the maiden takes the stone from Galen and attempts to smash the amulet. Galen pulls the stone away and says "NO! He said I'd know the time". However, his lips do not match the words. He appears to say "NO! It is not yet time!"

Audio problem: When Uther takes the baby from Igrayne and gives it to Merlin, Igrayne's screaming and whimpering is not consistent with her mouth movements.

Audio problem: When their car is making a sharp turn at the beginning of the film, you can hear the tires screeching. This could only happen if they were on concrete, not on a dirt road. (00:01:15)

Audio problem: When Kevin and his crew of thieving little people land in the Middle Ages, Randall informs Kevin that they made all of what's surrounding them, trees, shrubs, bushes etc. Kevin's reply is "Phew, that's not bad" He says this without opening his mouth. This was looped into the film later on.

Audio problem: When Perseus starts to swing his rope at Pegasus, the rope is absurdly loud, and is obviously just the same recorded "whoosh" sound repeated four or five times.

Audio problem: When Eddie is talking to Karen in the pornography booth, while the film is playing, what he is saying frequently mismatches his mouth movements. (00:10:05)