Audio problem: When Luke says, "Now all we gotta do is find this Yoda, if he even exists," if you look closely, his mouth never moves.

Audio problem: In the beginning, Claudette and the other counsellors are all singing. When they get closer you can see that Claudette is playing the guitar, then she stops, but the guitar playing and singing still continues. (00:02:10)

Audio problem: When Benson is dismantling Hector and putting his brain in the container, he says 'What you can't stand, you run from,' but his lips don't match what he says. (00:48:50)

Audio problem: When the zombie guys are breaking the windows at the church, you can hear multiple pieces of glass hit the ground even though almost no pieces fall.

Audio problem: In the last scene of the film, when Gere is in prison and talking to Michelle using the telephone behind glass, we hear his voice as if via a telephone. Most of the speech is done this way then for the last line he puts the telephone down on the desk, but we can still hear his voice as if he was still using it.