Audio problem: In the scene at the Palace Hotel Ballroom, when the Blues Brothers are singing their 2nd tune (Sweet Home Chicago), you can hear both Jake and Elwood on the soundtrack but Elwood is dancing down the middle aisle without even a microphone in his hand and his mouth is not moving. There is also a shot during the same song where Jake's singing and pauses do not line up with what we see visually. When he sings "baby don'cha you want to go-oh - -" we see his mouth stop moving, then when he pauses, his mouth is still singing. As a matter of fact, the entire number has mistakes like this and mistakes of continuity. (01:54:20)
Audio problem: When the girl scouts are fighting and one of them slides the other one across the table and she hits the jukebox, you hear a shattering sound, but it doesn't shatter. (00:16:25)
Audio problem: When the green team is solving the first clue, Blaylak says "STARS" and the four guys congratulate him. A voice says "Blaylak, way to go" but no one on the team is actually saying it.
Audio problem: After the war games when they are all dancing to the radio, the song sounds way to good to be coming from a little radio like the one playing.
Audio problem: When Al Czervik pays the band leader to play something hot, they stop playing slow music and a disco song starts up. The disco song is obviously the original studio recording and not the clubhouse band. The female vocal accompaniments from the recording can be heard, but there were no female vocalists with the clubhouse band. (00:36:10)
Audio problem: At the illegal fight, as Castor and Oxheart get ready to fight, Oxheart's mom says "Don't kill him. Just rough him up a bit." you hear the lines, but her mouth isn't moving.
Audio problem: When the three (plus Jane's kids in the back of the car) are approaching Robert's store to rob it, in the last shot as they pull over nobody's lips move, the lines are dubbed over. (00:52:50)
Audio problem: Terrible Tommy and Rose exchange words just as their match begins but neither one's mouth opens.
Audio problem: When the three ladies (Violet, Judy, Doralee) are at the hospital standing at the phone booth, Violet is digging through her purse for some change to make a call and asks Judy if she has any. Their voices sound echoey, indicating the scene was possibly shot on a sound stage and Doralee's line sounds a tad choppy.