Best sci-fi movie mistake pictures of 1979

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Visible crew/equipment: In the widescreen edition DVD, when Max's wife tugs at the chain on the back of the car after they have escaped the gang members, before she sees the ripped-off hand tied to it, you can see a crew member's hand holding the chain. (01:00:50)

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Continuity mistake: When the search party goes into the boneship, they are wearing full space suits, and hoods under their helmets. When Kane's helmet is first cut off, he has no hood on. (00:36:45)

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Continuity mistake: In the scene where Drax's assistant, Corine Dufor, is being pursued to her death by his doberman dogs, she starts off with bare legs and high heels, but a couple of seconds later she's now wearing trainers and blue socks.

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Continuity mistake: In the final scene on the bridge, Spock and McCoy are wearing coloured arm bands which identify their departments: Spock's is orange (for Science) and McCoy's is green (for Medical). In the very last shot, Spock is wearing the green band and McCoy is wearing the orange one (corrected in the 2022 re-release of the Director's Edition).

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Character mistake: USA flags are supposed to be displayed with the Union (blue area) on top left corner, whether it's displayed horizontally or vertically. USA missiles at times displayed the flag backwards. Also, at the end of the movie, the flag hung on the hangar next to the USSR flag is backward. (01:40:57)

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Visible crew/equipment: Set lights and shadows of seemingly team members and filming equipment are reflected on the Captain's helmet throughout the film.


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