Elizabeth Driscoll: I have seen these flowers all over. They are growing like parasites on other plants. All of a sudden. Where are they coming from?
Nancy Bellicec: Outer space?
Jack Bellicec: What are you talking about? A space flower?
Nancy Bellicec: Well why not a space flower? Why do we always expect metal ships?
Jack Bellicec: I've never expected metal ships.

Star Child: We've got to find Devereaux.
Cat Man: That's good with me, Star Child. I'm down to my last few lives.

Jake - voice: My name is Zunar J 5 Slash 9 Doric 4 7.
Frank: Uh, Z-Zunar.
Jake - voice: ...Let's just stick with 'Jake', okay?

Dr. Jim McKeever: ...and what a culture can't assimilate, it destroys.

Tia: Tony, why are you doing these things? Why are you using your powers against me?

Brad Crane: Are you endowing these bees with human motives? Like saving their fellow bees from captivity, or seeking revenge on Mankind?
General Thalius Slater: I always credit my enemy, no matter what he may be, with equal intelligence.

Professor Bruckner: He was nothing but a sadist, really.
Ezra Lieberman: A sadist with an M.D. and a Ph.D.
Professor Bruckner: Well, some people would say the perfect definition of a scientist.

Maggie McKeown: That guard is still out there.
Paul Grogan: Fine, I need you to distract him.
Maggie McKeown: What for?
Paul Grogan: So I can get away.
Maggie McKeown: So you can get away? What about me?
Paul Grogan: Well suit yourself. Just come onto him, tell him what an admirer you are of Army or something like that.
Maggie McKeown: What if he's gay?
Paul Grogan: Then I'll go and distract him.

Kathy Farley: Just you and me and the sky... like a cup! A giant cup.