Trivia: Jackie Gleason's character is Buford T. Justice. This was the name of a real Florida Highway Patrolman known to Burt Reynolds' father who was once Chief of Police of Jupiter, Florida.

Trivia: In the scene in which Alvy and Annie are watching people in the park and Alvy comments, "Oh, there goes the winner of the Truman Capote Look-Alike Contest," the passer by is actually Truman Capote, in an un-credited cameo.

Trivia: In the scene where the Lea family get into the funeral limousine by mistake, the three mourners who join them are played by Betty Hare, Winifred Braemar and Bertie Hare, who are the real life siblings of Doris Hare, who plays Mrs Lea.

Trivia: This was Ron Howard's feature film directorial debut.

Trivia: In this movie, Penny Irving plays Young Mr. Grace's new secretary, Miss Nicholson. In the TV series, she was called Miss Bakewell.

Trivia: Original titles for the film included "Free Popcorn" and "Closed for Remodeling."