Audio problem: When Vader is talking to an Imperial officer in the hangar in the Death Star, when the officer says, "It must be a decoy, sir. Several of the escape pods have been jettisoned." his head is shown from behind, but his profile shows his mouth is moving before the words are heard. (01:03:55)

Audio problem: After Bond sets the timer on the bomb at the end, the ticks don't add up. There's a definite tick each second, and you can count 12 of them after he starts it, then we cut back to the bomb and only 7 seconds have passed. (As a vague trivia aside, coincidence though it is, on the UK DVD he pulls the pin out at the DVD second timer ticks onto "07").

Audio problem: After the bus crashes to a halt on the courthouse steps, the gunfire stops. A few seconds later, a bullet hole opens up on the side of the bus - but there is no sound.

Audio problem: The section of sound effects used as the Trans-Am and the big-rig pull up to the warehouse to get the beer is exactly the same 'loop' as the effects used when the Trans-Am and the big-rig stop by the pond to give 'Fred' his burgers for lunch. Specifically, the Trans-Am's engine idling down to a stop, then the T/A's door closing, then the big-rig's air brakes squealing a very distinctive sound and finally the big-rig's engine rattling to a stop. Exact same 'loop' both times.