Audio problem: During "I Can Make You A Man," when Frank slides his finger down Rocky's chest while saying "ste-he-he-he-heam," you can hear a solitary beep from out of nowhere, from when the synthesizer was hit accidentally during that part of the song and was never edited out (it is on the CD too). (00:40:32)

Audio problem: Robin's minstrel's hand doesn't hit his tambourine the first time we hear them sing.

Audio problem: While Chrissie is being attacked at the start of the film, when her mouth is visible it is not in sync with her screams. (00:04:15)

Audio problem: When Cato attacks Clouseau in the Japanese Restaurant and has him in a hold, Clouseau says "No, you idiot", but his lips don't move.
Suggested correction: He is speaking through clenched teeth.

Audio problem: In the third segment when Amelia is getting chewed on by the doll, her screams are out of sync with her mouth.

Audio problem: In the "How Lucky Can You Get?" musical number, when Fanny is turning on the stage lights she is not singing, although Streisand's singing voice is heard on the soundtrack.

Audio problem: While George is in Lester's office, we hear the secretary saying something, but her mouth does not move as she lifts her head. (00:23:20)

Audio problem: As Fred and Ernie are driving away from the butcher's shop (as the wives shout after them about them "taking care of their rods") you hear Fred laughing but his face is deadly serious.

Audio problem: When Kipper are performing towards the end of the film, Tim the drummer is late on stage and the other band members have started to play their instruments, but you can still hear the drums play before Tim picks up the sticks.

Audio problem: When Frank says "Stay away from it!" whilst trying to shoot the truck during the chase sequence towards the end of the film, his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: The very first punch we see thrown in the movie happens when Spencer 'Speed' Weed 's man, 'Chuck Boy', swings at the opponent. It is a wide shot, and even from that distance you can see a lot of light between the haymaker and the opponent's face, but of course there's a thunderous sound as if the guy got socked hard in the mush. (00:05:45)

Audio problem: In the scene just before the engineer falls from the train, all the main characters are gathered in the governor's car. Charles Bronson is pouring alcohol from a decanter. The "glug, glug" sound of pouring begins before the actual pouring starts.