Plot hole: When Bond and Scaramanga are duelling, Bond has no tie or jacket on. After Bond drops his gun and gives his hiding place away, he somehow has the time to not only crawl back onto the staging but to move the wax replica of himself and also to put on the dummy's jacket and necktie.
Plot hole: There are numerous problems with the final solution to putting out multiple burning floors of a skyscraper by blowing the water tanks under the roof. Blowing the floor under the tanks only channels the water into the Promanade Room. From there it cascades out the windows and - as we see in the film - falls to the ground without touching the fires on the lower floors. A tiny percentage makes it into the stairwell door and elevator shaft, despite the fact that the elevator doors were closed. All of the stairwell and elevator doors in the building were shut; none of this water makes it to the fire. Also, as we see the flames going out from all the floors no water is coming out of any of those windows, proving that the fires are going out without any water.
Plot hole: During Godfather I, when Michael was plotting the assassinations of the 5 family heads, he mentions to his father that his son Anthony is thee years old, and 'reading the funny papers.' In Godfather II, we begin at Anthony's first communion, and the date given is 1958. Yet, later at the party, Kay mentions to Michael that 7 years ago he promised the family would be completely legitimate. This was before they married and Anthony was born. (This promise was part of Michael's proposal to Kay.) 7 years ago would be 1951, so how could Anthony be 3 years old then? (00:10:40 - 00:32:20)
Plot hole: The killer is not designed to be a ninja with superior athletic and stealth abilities, but for Elsa's death he beats three much younger and able-bodied people who were chasing her, kills the victim unseen by her - and they don't hear her high pitched scream - and is able to get back to the hotel unseen. (00:33:25)
Plot hole: Just how exactly did the bomber get all of those drums on the ship unnoticed? Then, why didn't anyone question the appearance of the drums that are in very conspicuous locations?
Plot hole: Kemp, after visiting the castle, would've assured the people that Dr. F. Was not making a monster. So, why is that guy boarding up his house if he has no evidence that a monster even exists? Even if he did tell them that he believes that Dr. F. Was creating a monster, how did the guy know that it had escaped? Also, he says that he remembers the last time. He wasn't old enough to remember something that someone else's grandfather did.