Trivia: The bystanders looking at the camera when Rosemary crosses the street were staring in disbelief as Mia Farrow actually wandered out into oncoming traffic! Polanski did not want to "stage" the scene, so she was literally risking her life.

Trivia: Gert Fröbe and Desmond Llewelyn are in the film both of whom were in "Goldfinger" (1964). The first Bond novels were written by Ian Fleming who also wrote "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."

Trivia: As Finian and Sharon Mc Lonergan make their way across America during the opening credits, one of the recognizable locations they pass is the iconic schoolhouse in Bodega, California, made famous in a memorable scene from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." (00:05:06)

Trivia: The opening scene of the demolition derby cars is footage from the 1966 film "Fireball 500."