Factual error: Miller rigs his booby trap by attaching the wires from the bomb to a pole down which a metal runner slides, so that when the runner touches the wires it completes the circuit and detonates the bomb. The trouble is, the pole is made of steel, and steel is very conductive indeed. Miller attaches the exposed end of the wire to the pole without any insulation or gap. The circuit will actually be completed when Miller attaches the battery, and he and his booby trap will be blown sky high.

Factual error: The Mercedes-Benz car in which Judge Haywood is driven to his house shows a license plate with black letters on white background and country plate "D." This was not correct at that time: it should have been white letters on a black background, no country plate. (00:04:09)

Factual error: Delilah is shown stirring a pot of ears of corn. Corn was not known until native Americans introduced it to settlers in North America in the 16th century.