Trivia: Burl Ives plays Rufus Hannassey, the father of Buck Hannassey (Chuck Connors). In real life, Ives was only 11 years older than Connors.
Trivia: Alfred Hitchcock appears 11 mins into the film walking past the building James Stewart is about to enter.
Trivia: The Ice Cold in Alex refers to an Ice Cold Carlsberg lager when they reach their destination - the final scene, where they get their ice cold lager was later used by Carlsberg in an advertising campaign.
Trivia: Brick's (Paul Newman) latent homosexuality seems to be purposely avoided in the movie's screenplay, as opposed to the original Williams play. Probably so as not to offend sensitive 50's audiences. Modern audiences will more than likely pick up the signs and wonder ' he?'.
Trivia: After Ernest Hemingway guided two extremely expensive (and failed) offshore excursions for original marlin-fishing footage, Warner Brothers settled for existing footage of a world-record marlin caught off the coast of Peru by Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. His taut, heavy-duty fishing line can be seen bouncing wildly, high in the air, in the scene where the marlin finally breaches (even though the Old Man's hand-line is pretty much stationary and angled low to the ocean surface).
Trivia: The Inn Of The Sixth Happiness tells the story of Gladys Aylward, an English missionary in China. The casting of Ingrid Bergman in the role was quite amazing, especially considering that Gladys Aylward was still alive at the time. Ingrid Bergman, who exuded glamour throughout the movie, was 5' 9" tall, had blonde hair and retained her native Swedish accent. Gladys Aylward was of rather plain appearance, stood a mere 4' 10" tall, had black hair and spoke with a cockney accent.
Trivia: When the destroyer is bombed next to the mole, the shots of it sinking are of the corvette Compass Rose from The Cruel Sea.
Trivia: David Niven won the Best Actor Academy Award for his role of Major Angus Pollock, even though he had only 16 minutes of screen time.