Best western movie quotes of 1957

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Movie Quote Quiz
Old Yeller picture

Arliss Coates: Why did you shoot Rosemary?
Travis Coates: She was sick.
Arliss Coates: Well, you were sick. How come we didn't shoot you?
Travis Coates: Well, that's some different.

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Gunfight at the OK Corral picture

Dr. John 'Doc' Holliday: Want a gun hand?
Wyatt Earp: You? No, thanks.
Dr. John 'Doc' Holliday: I do handle them pretty well. The only trouble is, those best able to testify to my aim aren't around for comment.

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3:10 To Yuma picture

Ben Wade: Mind telling me where we're going?
Dan Evans: No, I don't mind telling you. We're going to Contention City. We're going wait in a house by the station and when the 3:10 comes in we're going to put you on it.
Ben Wade: Thanks. Now if we get separated I'll know where to wait for you.

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The Tall T picture

Usher: I'm gonna have me a place someday. I thought about it, I thought about it a lot. A man should have somethin' of his own, somethin' to belong to, to be proud of.
Pat Brennan: And you think you'll get it this way.
Usher: Sometimes you don't have a choice.
Pat Brennan: Don't you?

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Gunfight at the O.K. Corral picture

Wyatt Earp: We'd like you to come to the wedding, Doc, - if it doesn't interfere with your poker.
Dr. John 'Doc' Holliday: I'm not good at weddings - only funerals. Deal me out.

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