Question: As Rameses is getting dressed by his servants, Nefretiri stops one servant and takes a sword from him. The shot then cuts to Rameses getting dressed and then Nefretiri comes to give him the sword. What exactly did she do with it: did she stab her dead son (who is placed on that statue), or did she do something else?
Answer: I have always thought she stabbed her dead son. It's obvious she does something with it other than just give it to Rameses.
She doesn't do anything other than give him the sword. She's trying to dramatically convince Ramses to kill Moses. In countless stories, one character will tell another character to kill someone while handing them a weapon.
Answer: She didn't do anything with it. She took the sword so she could help dress her husband herself.

Question: Can someone explain how all the special effects were done, such as the electronic blasters rays, and the sound effects? As the film was from 1956 there were no electronic keyboards then and the sounds are very futuristic.

Question: Maybe I'm missing something here, but why does Dr. Serizawa kill himself at the end by cutting the oxygen cord to his diving suit after activating the oxygen destroyer? What does ending his life accomplish? It seems to me the mission to kill Godzilla still would have been successful if Serizawa had returned to the surface alive.
Answer: I don't remember if that line was in the KOTM American cut as well, but in the Japanese Gojira cut, Serizawa, as he is talking about why the capabilities of microoxygen and the Oxygen Destroyer horrify him, mentions that he fears that "perhaps one day he might have to create the Oxygen Destroyer again," and that horrified him. The reason he allowed himself to die didn't have anything to do with stopping Godzilla; it was to ensure that no-one, including himself, would be able to create the Oxygen Destroyer ever again. That was his entire arc in the movie. He has previous scenes in the movie where he explains why his discovery of microoxygen and its destructive capabilities horrified him, and before he went to unleash the Oxygen Destroyer for its first and final time, he had ensured to destroy all the research in his lab that could be used to recreate the Oxygen Destroyer. Finally, he allowed himself to die so that he would erase the possibility of himself recreating that weapon as well.

Question: How is it that Rodan flew supersonic speeds but you only see him flap his wings to take off? Also how did he leave a vapor trail at high altitude?
Answer: The movie was made in the 1950s when special effects barely existed and were primitive at best. This is also a Japanese-made movie, and their film industry, at that time, was far less sophisticated than Western movies. Audiences then were expected to employ a "suspension of disbelief" while watching a Sci-fi movie, accepting that what they were seeing was implausible or crudely done, but it told the story. Audiences know that Rodan could not have taken off at supersonic speeds merely by flapping its wings or left a vapor trail at high altitude, but just accept that it adds to the overall illusion of what is supposed to be happening.
Answer: She gave the sword to Ramses and told him to bring it back with Moses' blood on it.