Corrected entry: At one part when she is dressed up in her gown for the ball or something, the top half of her dress goes see through for a split second.

Corrected entry: Just after landing on the Moon the crew speak with a radio host on Earth, who says "Mr. Barnes, can you tell us where you landed. The astronomers at Palomar say they could see you if they knew where to point the big eye." This is not true at all. There wasn't a telescope on Earth at that time capable of resolving an object the size of their spaceship at that distance. This is a fact any astronomer would've known even then. (01:07:00)
Correction: And it wasn't possible to fly to the moon then either. If they made spacecraft to reach the moon, maybe they also had the telescope with the proper resolution. It IS a Sci-Fi film.

Corrected entry: When Jim pulls down the skull & crossbones and replaces it with a British flag, the full Union Jack he runs up turns into a blue naval ensign (with the Union Jack only in the corner) by the time it reaches the top of the pole. (01:12:05)
Correction: This is simply incorrect. First, the flag is red, not blue. Secondly, the flag that is showing at the top of the pole is exactly the same one he is shown raising. We only see the Union Jack part while it is lying on the deck, but the poster is apparently not taking into account the size of the flag.

Corrected entry: Farley Granger is hit under his right eye. The mark under his eye is different every time it is shown. It starts off a small spot and grows each time it is shown.
Correction: A bruise under the eye will get worse initially, before it begins to subside.

Corrected entry: Near the end before the party of Quatermain is found by the tribe we see a scene where a lemur is looking at the party walking by. But Lemurs are endemic to Madagascar, meaning they are only found on that island, so where did it come from?
Correction: Wrong movie. This is King Solomon's Mines from 1950. The mistake is made in another movie called King Solomon's Mines from 2004, with Patrick Swayze. The correct movie in not yet listed on MM, so when resubmitting just follow the submission instructions to add the correct movie title to MM.
Correction: I have looked for this mistake and not found it. If you have to pause and go frame-by-frame to see it then it's not a valid mistake.