Easter egg: Access the Cast & Crew page from the Special Features menu, when the cursor is selected on the Features button, bottom right, press left to select a strange missile looking button. This opens a page that gives a password for accessing parts of the Three Kings website.

Easter egg: On the DVD, go to the Special Features menu. Press up twice on your remote. The special features heading should light up with red blood. Press enter and see a brief documentary about the movie and the graphic novel.

Easter egg: On the 2nd disc go to storyboards. Go to the 2nd page and select rhino fight under Deleted Sequences. Press up once to select the rhino and press enter. This will get you to a section called What Happened to the Rhino.

Easter egg: On the second disc, when the menu first appears, hit right on your DVD remote to highlight one of the wooden planks on the Trojan horse, and hit Enter. There is a clip the CG department made of some animatic 'bloopers' during the movie.