Easter egg: On disc 7 (Special Features) of the Region 1 DVD set, select 'Tales from the Island'. Move the cursor to 'Main Menu' and push 'Right'. This will highlight an area at the top of the screen. Push 'Select' to see raw footage of Locke eating an orange.

Easter egg: On the 6th disk, under the "Featurettes" section of the Special features, press to the left and you will see a red "B" highlighted. Press enter to access "The Gift Montage".

Easter egg: Watch the main menu on the second disk of the season 2 DVD. Let the music play through once, then press 'right'. A yellow monkey head will appear. If you click that, a rap about Naboo the Shaman will play accompanied by clips of Naboo from the show.

Easter egg: In the Special Features section of the third season's DVD, you can find a comment on why there are an English and a Japanese version of the title song, together with a medley with both versions alternating along with scenes from the season's episode. In order to find it, you have to go onto Mas' symbol on his chest.
Suggested correction: And how do we get to Mas' symbol?