Easter egg: In the normal DVD version of Cars, be in main menu and have 'set up' highlighted. Watch the bottom right hand corner. When the logo for Dinoco appears push right and select it. A short part of the animated short 'Bounding' will appear, except that Mater and Lightning are used instead.

Easter egg: In one of the games near the end of the movie, an advertisement for an L.A. radio station, KIIS-FM, is visible on the back fence. At the time the movie appears set in, radio stations east of the Mississippi River had a W as the first letter of their call letters. The Bulls are based in Durham, North Carolina.

Easter egg: On the Special Edition DVD version highlight any of the items in the main menu and press UP to watch a face-to-face discussion between Sylvester Stallone and Rocky Balboa.

Easter egg: Go to the end of the special features menu and press down on the "main menu" tab and the zebras ears will change colour. Press enter to see a short with the rooster.

Easter egg: On the main menu, on the coffee table (same on as Bonus Features), the touch screen remote is lying there. If you click on it, you will get another menu , and I won't tell you what's on it; you'll have to find out for yourself.

Easter egg: On the deleted scenes menu, keep pressing left until a surfboard is highlighted. Hit enter to see a cameo from another animated character.

Easter egg: From the main menu go to Special features, you will see the options Commentary, Yearbook & Trailers. Press DOWN once more and a white horse type logo appears on the top right of the screen. Select that and you get the music video to Rob Zombie's song "Never gonna stop".

Easter egg: Go to the "special features" section and at the bottom towards the right is the Purple Cobras logo. Click on it and an overweight White Goodman appears, telling you the Easter Egg is to hit enter every time his character snaps his fingers during the movie. (00:21:40 - 01:02:15)

Easter egg: Go to the Bonus Features menu and scroll down to DVD-ROM. If you click LEFT, a football icon should be highlighted. Press ENTER to view a special thanks featurette from director Peter Berg.

Easter egg: Go into deleted scenes and put the cursor on second base and press up. A ball player will appear and you can watch an extra deleted scene.

Easter egg: On the feature disc in the menu where you can access the director's commentary and deleted scenes, click to the right to see a baseball player light up. The director will explain who the voice is.

Easter egg: There are three Easter Eggs that I found on this DVD: 1) from the main Special Features menu, highlight Dinner & Commentary, then press the Down arrow. A mask will light up and show a short film with Jack & the director. 2) Under Deleted Scenes, highlight the Way of the Eagle and press the Left arrow key. An eagle will light up on Jack's chest and play a short film of the director telling a funny story. 3) Under Featurettes, highlight the 1st one then press the Left arrow key until the two Seahorses light up on the wrestler's chest. It will show Jack talking about the three guitar players.