Factual error: In "The Bully Proof Vest" Gromit is punched through a door, leaving a perfect shape of him as a hole in the wood, including both ears. Gromit is wearing a hat which keeps his ears hidden both before and after the punch. (00:01:19)

Factual error: The adventurers witness Earth "rising" from behind the lunar horizon. Since the Moon is tidally locked, it always presents the same hemisphere toward Earth. Earth never rises or sets as seen from the Moon's surface; it stays stationary in the sky. No matter that no-one had travelled to the moon at the time - that fact can be deduced just by looking at the moon from earth, and noting that we only ever see one half of it.
Factual error: The raiding party approaches the French ship in small boats without using muffled oars which was a must to approach silently. Oars were wrapped with cloth to deaden the sound.

Factual error: The movie takes place in 1987, but during the museum visit the main character is watching video from the Tiananmen Square uprising, which didn't occur until 1989. (00:52:40)

Factual error: At the beginning of the cartoon, Junior is reading a Bugs Bunny strip on his father's newspaper. Later on in the cartoon, Henry discovers that the newspaper he was reading was dated in the year 1928. This is ten years before the Bugs Bunny character was created.

Factual error: When the camera pans to the theatre right after the opening credits, the sign uses the British spelling of "theatre" instead of the American "theater."

Factual error: Oliver Hardy, inside a telephone booth, looks up Stan Laurel's number in a large directory. He finds the number on a page which is about one-fifth of the way from the beginning of the book. After he calls Stan and Stan hangs up on him, Ollie looks up the number again. This time he finds the number on a page which is about three-fourths of the way from the beginning of the book. Names beginning with "L" would not be on either of those pages but would be approximately two-fifths of the way into the book.
Factual error: When the Level 2 Sentry gun begins firing, you can see Shotgun shells falling out of it instead of the usual ammo casings. (00:00:40)
Factual error: There's no way in UFC they'd let a fighter continue all bloodied up as Jackie is. Given her condition the referee would've stopped the fight and awarded it to Lady Killer.