Super Grover

Corrected entry: During the Herbology lesson, Malfoy's earmuff flaps change size.

Correction: No, they don't. The very SAME oval earmuffs are visibly on his head in the four shots of Malfoy wearing earmuffs. The only thing that changes, which is still perfectly consistent, is that the headband starts off in the first shot at the top of his head, but in the subsequent shots has slid down to the back of his head, so because the earmuffs are oval in shape, they are now turned a bit on his ears. But, like I said already, it still remains consistent, there is no mistake here.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: The woman convinces Chandler Jarrell to go to Tibet. He is standing outside the house talking to the "short" man (who is her father). As they are talking the "short" man starts picking his nose using his pinky (I think). Then the camera shot goes to Chandler and when it goes back to the "short" man, he is now picking his nose with his index finger.

Lori Field

Correction: Now, without being too disgusting, as the mother of young boys, I will tell you that the tendency to change fingers mid-pick happens often. This "short" man did not break continuity in the film by changing fingers, since it takes a split second to do so, and he had the time between the two shots.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Harry, Hermione, and Ron are on their way to Hagrid's cabin after exams, you will notice Hagrid is playing a flute. The actor playing the flute is wearing a red shirt and is very lean. When a close-up is done, Hagrid is wearing a vest and is large again. (01:50:45)

Correction: As Hagrid plays the flute, he wears a vest over a red shirt in both the wide shot as the kids run towards the hut and in the following close-up. He is also not thin in the wide shot.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Harry enters the Weasley house, there are five bowls stacked on top of each other, next to the sink. When they take the food from the table, there are, at most, only four bowls stacked together.

Correction: In the close-up there are starting from the bottom, one dark, two white and two more dark bowls, all of distinct color and size. In the wide shot, as Ron takes the biscuit and Harry walks toward the clock, the very same bowls, in the same positions, are distinctly sitting there.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Harry gets into the Weasley car escaping from the Dursley's, Ron is in the front of the car. When they fly off, he is in the back.

Correction: Harry passes Hedwig's cage to Ron who STANDS at the SIDE of the front seat and Ron passes the owl to one of the twins in the back seat. While the camera faces Vernon slamming open the door, yelling, "Petunia, he's escaping!", Ron simply slides to the back. So in the next shot, from behind Vernon, as Harry is on the bedroom's window ledge, Ron sits in the back seat.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Before Ron's Howler arrives, he puts down the wand he was fixing. In the next few shots, the wand is there but the roll of tape he used to fix it with is gone.

Correction: The roll of tape is perfectly visible at the bottom corner of the screen next to the wand, near the green apple, as the Howler gives Ron the huge raspberry and begins to shred itself. (DVD fullscreen)

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where Harry arrives at the Weasley house, the Weasley boys (particularly Fred and George) are seen looking around the kitchen as though it's the first time they have ever been there. Um, boys - it's your HOME, remember?

Tim Haveron Jones

Correction: One twin looks toward the stairs, the other looks around nervously, both are anxious about their mother finding out what they've been up to and rightly so. Ron's reason for looking around is obvious in the comment, "It's not much, but it's home." His best friend is in his home for the first time and Ron, who's a bit embarrassed by his home, smiles and looks at his brother when he hears Harry's nice reaction.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When four owls are perched on top of Uncle Vernon's car towards the beginning of the film, you can see that one on the left is obviously a painted set prop. (00:10:05)

Correction: No, it is very much alive. It even turns its head as the camera pans past him towards Vernon and Petunia at the front door.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: After drinking the polyjuice potion, Ron and Hermione both dive into cubicles - all the doors are open before they go in. Harry then changes while looking in the mirror, but when we see the stall doors again, three are closed. (01:19:45 - 01:20:50)

Jon Sandys

Correction: The first cubicle door is closed the entire time. When Hermione says, "Cheers", the closed door is visible between Ron and Harry. Ron runs into the second cubicle and Hermione runs into the third - which is Moaning Myrtle's cubicle, hence three doors shut. (Interesting fact to note - that first cubicle door is also closed behind Ron when Hermione brews the potion while she sits on the floor.)

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the start where Hagrid hands Harry to Dumbledore, he says "Try not to wake him" but while Dumbledore is taking Harry to the door you can hear the baby gurgling and making noises, yet when he puts him down he is asleep. (00:02:30)

Correction: Hagrid lands, gets off the motorbike and gives the child to Dumbledore. This drastic change will stir any normal sleeping baby, thus the 'stirring' noises from the child. When Hagrid is in the air the vibration and constant hum of the engine helps sooth the baby and keep him asleep. When Dumbledore holds him, the sounds we hear are not of a baby who is necessarily awake, but who is rather just stirring in his interrupted sleep. Actually, the fact that the sound editors added those noises adds a noticeable touch of realism to those shots.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the scene at the public high school, there is a close-up shot of boys wearing motorcycle boots, over which they are wearing Levis with the cuffs turned up. Nobody in an American high school in the 50's would have worn Levis with the cuffs turned up, and I doubt if anyone does so now.

Correction: In the 50's ALL the boys, and girls for that matter, wore their dungarees, as they were called back then, with a turned up cuff. Whether with loafers, Keds or biker boots, the jeans had a turned up cuff. The movie takes place in that era (and was indeed MADE in that era), so it does not matter what anyone would do nowadays.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack and Will are fighting in his shop, Will pulls out the brander, the end of which has changed shape from when Jack used it.

Correction: Of course the tip changed shape, it's an entirely different tool. Jack pulls a glowing red hot 'fire poker' out of the fire, not a brander, which is glowing red-hot with caked-on ash on the tip, in order to get the donkey to move. Later Will pulls long iron tongs from the table beside the fireplace to wield against Jack, after Jack kicks Will's sword out of his hand.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Take a close look at Will's face just before Jack sprays him with soot during their fight. If you pause the movie you can see that Will's face is already dirty, probably from a previous take.

Correction: Seen frame by frame, in the first shot facing Jack, when Will's back is seen, Jack grabs the bag of soot, starts to squeeze it towards Will and plenty of soot begins to pour out into the air already. As the next shot opens, this time facing Will, there is soot in the air making this shot hazy and a large puff of soot right in front of him, so the soot has already started to settle on his face and body, and in the next frame more soot blankets him.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Eomer shoots an arrow at an Oliphaunt. In the first shot, front view, it is missing nearly its entire right tusk (it shows a bloody stump). In the shot from the rear view, it has an intact right tusk as it falls. (This scene occurs immediately after the one in which Eowyn & Merry charge at, hack at, and down an Oliphaunt).

Correction: In the side back shot, only the two small bottom tusks, the long top left tusk and the Mumak's trunk (which may be mistaken for the long right tusk in the quick shot) is clearly seen. We do not see the long right tusk on the other side of the trunk, as it is a short stump.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Théoden is knocked under his horse by the Witch-King, it's obvious that the Fell Beast is attacking so Théoden is looking down at him, with the horse's legs pointing at the Fell Beast, yet after Éowyn destroys the Witch-King and Théoden passes away, we see a wide-shot of the whole scene. Éowyn's discarded helmet and the remains of the Witch-King are positioned at Théoden's head rather than feet. The attack all took part below Théoden, so how did everything shift to above his.

Correction: Wrong. After Theoden dies, there is a wide shot of the area and the helmet near Theoden's head is his (use zoom if necessary) not Eowyn's. Plus the Witch King's remains are not near Theoden's head in this shot either.

Super Grover

21st Jun 2004

Aladdin (1992)

Corrected entry: Sultan is concerned that Jasmine find a suitor before her eighteenth birthday because "He isn't getting any younger". He seems to be 70 years old in the movie. (Disney had no official "age" for Sultan.) The law stated that a Princess must marry a Prince before her eighteenth birthday. Jasmine is now just shy of 18 years old herself. So Jasmine's mother must have married the Sultan when she was seventeen years old to follow the letter of the law and the Sultan was fifty two years old? And that presumes that they had conceived Jasmine the first year they were married. (Sultan's 70 years minus Jasmine's apparent current age of 18 is 52 years old). Well, as Sultan said himself, "Her mother wasn't nearly so picky".

Mike Wotton

Correction: It is not unrealistic or inconceivable for a young woman who is coming of age, to be betrothed to a middle aged or even elderly man, if that man stems from the proper family that the parents approve of. In many societies the 'match' is made by the parents when the young girl is but a young child, and the girl has no say in the matter. Jasmine, being both independent and stubborn challenges this law.

Super Grover

7th Jan 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Corrected entry: In the pan across the London rooftops at the beginning, there are two Big Bens.

Correction: Only one Big Ben is shown at the opening of the film when there is an overhead pan of London. In this shot there are a three steeples seen. The one in the center in the distance has the appearance of Big Ben. The one to the right is a church, as it has a cross at the top. The one to the left is a steeple with straight sides and gives the appearance of being another church.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the shot where Frodo is hanging in Shelobs web struggling to escape you can tell that he has shoes on.

Correction: No he is not wearing shoes. What is is the outline of the ankle straps for the attached stunt wire, which is already noted.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Black Pearl and the Interceptor are battling head to head, the crew of the Interceptor have just dumped all their cannon balls and weaponry into the ocean to lighten their load, but when it shows Jack Sparrow sitting in the brig of the Pearl, a cannon ball blows through his cell and he shouts, "Stop blowin' holes in my ship." Where did they get cannon balls all of a sudden?

Correction: A cannon ball did not make that hole. It's just as Gibbs says, "Case shot, langrage (which is shot that consisted of bolts and other pieces of iron), nails and crushed glass!" They also inserted forks, knives and spoons into the cannons. The force of the cannon fire propelled these things with enough strength to blast a hole in the wood. If you look at the brig cell that Jack leaves you will see a varied assortment of utensils embedded all around him.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: On the DVD, in the scene where Gandalf is driving the carriage (with Frodo and Bilbo on board), in the zoomed out shot you can see four hobbits riding on ponies. There should only be three. Since Frodo is in the carriage, that would only leave Sam, Merry, and Pippen. These are the only hobbits going along, since they are the only ones at the harbor.

Correction: In the opening shot when Gandalf arrives in the wagon, all four Hobbits are on the ponies. Then in the next shot after Gandalf's close-up, as we hear Bilbo's voiceover, the four ponies have only three riders, one of the ponies is riderless. Use zoom, it is very clear.

Super Grover

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