Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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What film from the 1940s features a teenage girl who marries a much older male writer to keep her from being sent to a sort of institution, but the two end up falling in love?

Answer: The film is called "Susan Slept Here". Debbie Reynolds played the teenager.


I'm looking for the name of a Christmas special. It was a Claymation I saw in the 90s, but it may be older than that. It had something to do with a meeting with fairies in the woods, and there's a guy there that takes them flying around. Sorry so vague; any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: It's possible you may be thinking of "The Adventures of Mark Twain". It wasn't a Christmas special, but it was claymation, it did involve a meeting with "fairies", and it does has Twain flying kids around in a balloon. YouTube has some clips of it. Hope that helps!


I'm trying to figure out the name of a movie and, and only have a few parts of it it work with. It is set during WWII I believe and is about two people in love, when the male character is sent off to war, the female character has to resort to prostitution to survive. I believe it ends with her death. I know this is really general and it probably could be a dozen different movies, but I also think that it is black and white, if that helps. Thanks.

Answer: That sound a lot like "Waterloo Bridge", see


Which British Second World War film, set in a desert, featured a girl singing a song to soldiers which included the following lyrics: "Till the right time comes, it's all just a snare and delusion, it's just a romantic illusion, till the right time comes." Also, who was the girl? (I thought it was Jean Simmons, but her filmography doesn't seem to include any war films).

Answer: Sounds like Ice Cold in Alex to me.


Does anyone recall a fairly recent film where a present day guy, on looking some through some old stuff, is viewing a faded photo of three characters from the American old west. He looks carefully and notices that one of the guns being held is a modern gun and could not possibly have existed in the old west. It takes him on a time travelling adventure, back to the cowboy era.

Answer: Yes. This film is a TV movie called Timestalkers (1987).


I believe this was a made for TV movie in the 70s or 80s. From memory, it was about two young boys that meet at a camp for bad boys. One boy wets the bed and runs away when the other kids find out. The older boy follows him and they begin a road trip. I also remember a scene with a herd of buffalo. Does anybody know the title of this movie?

Answer: This sounds like "Bless the Beasts and the Children" with Billy Mumy.

JC Fernandez

This was a movie where a man and woman, who aren't a couple at first, are taking care of three children (not theirs) for some reason. One of them is a girl named Sarah. At one point, the woman sees that the man bought two new beds, and thinks that he is hoping to get her to sleep with him in the big one. When she goes to a tavern place he is hanging out at, he says that one bed is for the two boys, and yells that the smaller bed is for Sarah. I'm thinking that it had a Western setting, but I'm not sure. It was a color movie.

Answer: This is the 1975 Disney movie The Apple Dumpling Gang, starring Bill Bixby, Susan Clark, Don Knotts and Tim Conway.

Jean G

Why has 'Little Lord Fauntleroy' (1980), starring Alec Guinness and Rick Schroder, never been released on DVD?

Answer: Probably no perceived demand for it. This is the type of movie that is frequently given away for 'free' on the covers of various newspapers.


I'm trying to find the name of a movie that was out not too long ago. The only thing I remember from the commercial is that it's about a woman who is the only one left that can have children. Hopefully, someone knows the movie I'm talking about.

I think the film I'm thinking of is pretty well known, but I only actually know one scene from it. There are men in a desert (I think) and they all stand up claiming to be someone - saying "I am!", and "No, I am!", but I just can't remember the name they say. I think the name is also the name of the film. Hopefully someone can figure out the name of this film from this information.

Answer: The film is called "Spartacus", and yes there is a scene where everyone is saying "I'm Spartacus". This scene has been spoofed many times in other films, such as "Life of Brian".


I'm trying to remember the name of a Christmas movie that I think was on Nickelodeon around 2000, or so. It was about a bunch of toys who desperately wanted to see what kind of new toys would be coming to the house. They were lead by a stuffed lion. It had basically the same premise as 'Toy Story', but this one was more puppet-y, kind of like Sesame Street puppets. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Danelle Williams

Chosen answer: The Christmas Toy. (1986)

Grumpy Scot

I saw this movie what seems like a long time ago, but I don't know how long. I don't remember it well at all, but I can remember little bits. There was a bus that sank in a river or lake. There was a character who had baseball cards taken away by the principal of the school. At the very end of the movie, the main character is grown up and looking at the grave of his friend that died. Any help?

Answer: It could be "Simon Birch".

Brenda Elzin

The only scene I remember from this movie, is that one or two boys who liked science created something that looked like a little glowing blue circle of light. It flew around and went through a shelf of books, putting holes through all of the books. I thought it might be Weird Science, but I haven't seen that whole movie before, so I'm not sure. I saw this when I was younger kid, so please forgive me if it's a really popular/obvious movie.

Answer: Sounds like Explorers (1985) to me.


This movie is set in the eighties, probably made in the nineties. The two main characters are girls who reunite after some time. They keep quoting and referring to the Bronte sisters. One of the girls fall for a guy who wears a Smiths t-shirt. The setting is gloomy and in the UK. The copy I saw had "demo copy not for resell" scrolling on it. I have never seen this movie for rent or sale.

Answer: I'm not sure it's the correct movie but could it be "Career Girls" from 1997?

Angela Brown

This was an episode of a cartoon show that I saw sometime in the 1990's, probably not later than 2002. Two kids, who I think were friends and not siblings, were in a magical place where they got to create their own worlds. There was a river dividing their pieces of land. Their parents are watching this from some kind of room, and as the parents argue and won't get along, the children also argue and begin to create more scary and negative things in their worlds. I remember that the girl started with a pet kitten and the boy had a pet puppy, but after they started fighting over who was going to come over to whose side of the river, they got impatient and angry. The boy made his puppy into a wolf and the girl made her kitten into a big cougar/wild cat. Does anyone remember what show this was?

Answer: That was an episode of Captain Planet.


I can't remember if I was watching Tales from the Crypt or Twilight Zone or what. But it was about this lady and a man (let's just call them Bob and Mary). Well Mary was cheating with Bob and on one occasion the husband was watching them and they were saying to each other "I want your body." So the husband knocked them out and when they came to, he had attached Mary's head to Bob's body and Bob's head to Mary's body. And then the husband sai,d "Well you said you wanted each others body." Does anyone know what I was watching and the name of the episode?

Answer: It was from Tales from the Crypt, an episode called 'Spoiled.'

Can anyone make a recommendation for a PG or PG-13 movie that has a plot dealing with learning styles? Good Will Hunting would be on the right track, but it is R rated. I want to use this with middle school students.

Answer: Emperors Club and Dead Poet's Society, if not A Beautiful Mind.

I'm trying to remember a (space?) movie with 'Houston/NASA type' terminals where someone is covertly helping the hero (stopping the baddy?) and then is discovered and asked to step away from the terminal at gunpoint.

Answer: You may be thinking about Armageddon, a movie about a giant asteroid the size of Texas that will destroy the planet. I know the scene you are talking about; The nuclear bomb has been set to detonate on the surface, and one of the technicians (At the NASA terminal) types in the codes to override the countdown and shut it off. The Army (I think) officials discover that the Uplink has been overridden, and trace it to his terminal, where he is asked to cease and desist, and give the Officer his terminal.

I am looking for the title of a movie, probably from the 60's or maybe early 70's. All I can remember is that during the film (maybe the beginning) there was a scene where several children had a huge gun battle with toy guns firing plastic bullets. Can anyone please offer any information?

Answer: "The Happening" 1967.

Trying to figure out what I saw on TV the other day. I get to see what my neighbors are watching since our cable seems to keep getting mixed up with theirs. Anyway, there was a blond lady, about upper 30's, who somehow gets trapped in a house near a lake. She's dressed like she's on an Australian safari or something, then out of nowhere there's also a man in the house. Well, they both see they're dopplegangers (but this movie is not Doppleganger). The woman's doppleganger chases her into the closet and she runs out of the house. The man comments on how when you see your doppleganger it means you're going to die. The house starts to shake and everything cleans itself up and goes back to normal. And that's all I saw because the neighbors changed the channel to porno. Can anyone tell me what I was watching?

Answer: It sounds like "The Abandoned".

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