Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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Hi, I'm looking for a tv commercial that aired in the 1980's. (Browsing your site it looks like you do commercials as well as movies and tv.) Anyway, it was a pizza delivery commercial (possibly Domino's) that took place in a haunted house. The only scenes I remember are the pizza delivery boy crossing a pit of snakes and having to choose one of three doors. As I recall, the commercial ended with the delivery boy still stuck in the haunted house. Do you have any information on this? What I mostly remember is being so scared as a child that I had to leave the room whenever the commercial aired.

Answer: I remember something very similar on the PBS math show 'Square One.' It was a sketch about probability, with the hapless pizza man having to choose one of four keys to escape from a mummy, decide which of many snakes were real, and ended with him being chased by a ghost when he chose the wrong door. Could that have been it?

I'm trying to remember a cartoon I had a tape of when I was younger. It involved a live action cat and dog, where the dog chased the cat around while the cats (and possibly the dogs) thoughts were voice acted, and then the cat would hide somewhere and fantasise about beating the dog in various situations. The show would then switch to animation with the cat taking the role of various pop culture icons, such as batman or captain kirk and fighting a version of the dog in the cartoon. Then the show would go back to live action and the dog would be chased away somehow.

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: It was a Saturday morning show that Hal Sutherland produced in 1975 titled "The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty. It was a parody of the 1947 Danny Kaye movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty;" Walter Mitty was a character created by James Thurber.

There's a scene I watched from a movie a few years ago where a blue-haired girl or woman is running down a narrow hallway that's quickly flooding up. She opens a door, keeps running, and then there's a man running behind her, and she shuts the next door and locks it before he can reach it, as the water slowly fills up. They watch each other through the door as the water fills up on his side. It was on television, it could have been a sci-fi thing, I don't really know. I'm assuming it's either from early 2000's or the 90's.

public enemy

Chosen answer: I believe you may be describing the last episode of the first season of Alias entitled 'Almost 30 Years'.

Ok not much detail here but my friend told me of this movie about this person that goes through like the stages of Jesus's life and stuff Things like they get the wounds on their hands from the crucifixion I would love to know the name, if this sounds like anything you have seen let me know.


Chosen answer: Could very well be Stigmata starring Patricia Arquette and Gabriel Byrne.


I saw this movie about 3-4 years ago and missed much of it at the start, but this is what I remember. There is a woman (I think she died at the start) who is a tooth fairy and she comes to a boy (he may be her son) and speaks to him every night, and occasionally sings this song. Then she goes back to this place where there is a stairway to heaven (I think) and an elevator to hell, and she goes down screaming. The screen goes all white and you see her lying on the road (perhaps that's how she died) and she sees a traffic warden miming something like "you have one more chance". Any suggestions for the name of this movie would be amazing.


Chosen answer: Sounds a lot like "Toothless" starring Kirstie Alley.


I remember seeing this movie many years ago (I think it was made late 80s, early 90s) but the only things I can recall about it was that there were two young boys (maybe 12 and 8ish) and the youngest wanted to get to California, so I think they ran away from home. Unsure whether they were related or not. I also remember a really big fake dinosaur in the desert and the youngest boy was amazed by it. At first, I thought it might have been The Cure, but then I saw it again and realized it wasn't. I have a feeling Joseph Mazzello might be in it, though. Can anyone help me out? It has been bugging me for years.


Chosen answer: I believe you're referring to "The Wizard", which came out in 1989.

I am trying to find a movie I saw in the late 70 's to early 80's that was a Nazi Germany-U.S. war movie where the U.S. took over a German town that had an area fenced off by the Germans that had a cave or pyramid in the middle that had a monster or evil force of some kind in it and would kill people that went in. It was in colour and was well made, not a B movie.

Answer: This film is called The Keep. It was directed by Michael Mann and released in 1983.

Gavin Jackson

I just saw a clip of an old black and white movie in which a car pulls up to a gas station and the passenger is an alien. He argues with the station attendant and the driver, shoots them both with light and they both turn into skeletons. There was no audio with the clip, so I really have no idea where this is from.

Answer: It's "Teenagers from Outer Space."

I can only remember one scene from a movie. People are fleeing to get onto airplanes when it shows a man and a woman. The man says that everything unnecessary must be left behind to make room - there's a pile of purses, books etc. The woman asks if she can take a picture of her parents, and the man agrees. Then there's a shot of people in the airplane watching something blow up on the earth below. For some reason I mentally associate this with Power Rangers, but that might not mean anything.

Answer: It's been a long time since I've seen it but it could be The Langoliers.

Can anyone tell me the title of a fantasy/sci fi TV movie that aired on Nickelodeon at least once in the late 1990s with a plot involving a brother and sister in a ravaged ghetto like city full of corruption where they lived with their grandfather. People there are taken for bizarre mind experiments all the time, so the grandfather send them on a journey through a desert to find some utopia like haven. The grandfather can't go because of his failing health. The brother and sister set off, all the while being chased by the evil authorities. Along the way, they pick up a few friends, including a couple younger boys, a teen-aged desert drifter, a big bald guy, and a girl from the city who lost her boyfriend to the evil mind experiments. After escaping capture at least once, they make their way through a maze filled with poison gas and find a beautiful safe haven on a beach to live happily ever after. Last image being a grave stone/monument on the beach engraved with the grandfather's name. Do you know the title? Thank you.

Answer: It is Doom Runners.


1 What is the name of the film inspired by Hansel & Gretel, made in the 1960's or 1970's? This movie was a suspense/thriller type movie, not made for children. From what I remember, the movie began as a group of unfortunate orphans who visited a woman in her large home for a Halloween party. Two children, a brother and a sister stowed away because they were not allowed to attend. When the party was over, these two children got left behind and were imprisoned by the woman of the house. The woman of the house previously had a daughter, who died by falling while sliding down the stair rail, and whose body was kept as a shrine. One night the woman touched her dead daughter's face, and it crumbled in her hands. The sister of the children who were held captive was a splitting image of the woman's dead daughter which is why she kept the children in her home. The film may have been made in the 1960's or 1970's, but I could be wrong about that. I have searched long and hard with zero luck. If anyone could shed some light on what the name of this film is, I would be most grateful. Submitted 7/01/09.


Chosen answer: The movie was "Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? released in 1971. It starred Shelley Winters, Mark Lester and Chloe Franks.

What is the name of the film inspired by Hansel & Gretel, made in the 1960's or 1970's? This movie was a suspense/thriller type movie, not made for children. From what I remember, the movie began as a group of unfortunate orphans who visited a woman in her large home for a Halloween party. Two children, a brother and a sister stowed away because they were not allowed to attend. When the party was over, these two children got left behind and were imprisoned by the woman of the house. The woman of the house previously had a daughter, who died by falling while sliding down the stair rail, and whose body was kept as a shrine. One night the woman touched her dead daughter's face, and it crumbled in her hands. The sister of the children who were held captive was a splitting image of the woman's dead daughter which is why she kept the children in her home. The film may have been made in the 1960's or 1970's, but I could be wrong about that. I have searched long and hard with zero luck. If anyone could shed some light on what the name of this film is, I would be most grateful. Submitted 7/01/09.


Chosen answer: "Whoever Slew Auntie Roo" Starring Shelley Winters and Mark Lester.

I am trying to remember the name of this film I saw years ago, but the title escapes me. I remember something takes over the minds of the students of a high school, one of the scenes i remember is that there is a certain powder that is deadly to the creatures so some friends in a circle snort the powder to prove they aren't one, but one female deceives them by having the skin of their nose close up and block their nostril. Plus I remember a janitor in this film who uses the lyrics "hey, teacher leave those kids alone" just before he saves them. Any ideas anyone? It's driving me insane.

heavy hearted angel

Chosen answer: The Faculty starring Elijah Wood.


I am looking for the title of a movie I saw on the Lifetime channel within the last five years (but I'm not sure if it was made that recently). A dark-haired girl begins dating a boy, he gets her pregnant and takes her to some ranch/farm where the owners are planning to keep the baby. The place also has other pregnant girls. I think her name might have been Wendy, but I'm not sure. At one point, her mom visits the place and tries to convince her to come home. Her mom confesses that she once had a baby boy as a teenager and gave him up for adoption.

Answer: are you thinking of Moment of Truth: Cradle of Conspiracy starring Danica Mc Keller?


I saw a movie when I was a kid in the early 80's, but I only remember a few parts, and I think it's a scary movie. Kids are in a school coatroom, when the school is closed. I also remember an angel or something at the end in a red dress, and there is a house on a beach side cliff that is lit on fire at the end. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: It sounds like you're describing Lady in White.


Does anybody know the name of a tv-series (English I think) about a stewardess who has 2 husbands in different countries, and they of course don't know about each other. So she leads 2 different lives, one in Italy and one in England, if I remember correctly.

Answer: You're probably thinking of "Coffee, Tea or Me?" from 1973, starring Karen Valentine.


In the original Pink Panther films, which is the one where Peter Sellers is at a hotel desk and asks if the clerk's dog bites, but then gets bitten with the clerk saying that is not his dog?


Chosen answer: The movie is "The Pink Panther Strikes Again".


I saw this movie many years ago, it looked to be late 80's early 90's. It was about a guy who saved a girl in a robbery and just before he died he asked her out. Later he comes back from the dead, but is decomposing. At the end he goes back in time to the point of the robbery and gets shot again but this time there is a locket that blocks the bullet that the girl gave him in the future.


Chosen answer: My Boyfriend's Back. (

Grumpy Scot

I heard somewhere that there is a movie that was made sometime in the past few years about the death of Nirvana vocalist/guitarist Kurt Cobain. Is this true, and if yes, what is the name of the movie?

Answer: There are several. 2005's "Last Days," directed by Gus Van Sant is a fictional film based on Cobain's last hours. There is also a 1998 documentary titled, "Kurt and Courtney" by filmmaker, Nick Broomfield, that investigates allegations that Cobain was murdered.


I'm also looking for the title to an old science fiction movie I saw on TV a long time ago, possibly 1970's to early 1990's era. It took place in a post-apocalyptic world and features desert landscapes with sparsely-distributed debris of what was, back then, modern technology. It started with a wanderer staying at a friend's place before it is attacked. He has a sword and can fight, but, when taken in by a family, that family hides his sword from him. To protect this family from bandits, the wanderer duels the bandit leader with staffs. At the end, the men who killed his friend show up, and he is given his sword back to fight them with.

Answer: Sounds like Steel Dawn.

Grumpy Scot

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