Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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I am trying to find the name of this movie. It was made around the late 70's to mid 80's and is a horror movie about a giant swarm of bees. The only thing I remember from it was the final scene took place inside the Louisiana Superdome, and the bees were swarmed around a car sitting in the middle of the football field. The main characters figured out that they had to freeze the bees to death, so the had to lower the air temperature to below 39 degrees which killed the bees. But the final scene reveals one bee was still alive, hinting that the swarm would rebuild. I have tried and tried to find the title of this movie and I can't. Please help.

New Orleans Guy

Chosen answer: Based on what you've describe, this sounds like the 1976 TV movie, The Savage Bees. A swarm of South American killer bees escape from a foreign ship and invade New Orleans during Mardi Gras. It stars Ben Johnson and Michael Parks.


I saw this movie recently on TV. The only thing I remember is a bunch of guys dressed up as workers, and one of them was up a pole as a construction worker and another was a cop. They were on some sort of stakeout, and when they were spotted they ran into a club. The guys chasing them ran in after them, but couldn't find them as they had taken to the stage and were performing as the Village People. Any ideas?

I'm looking for the name of a movie that was released in the 70s. A man and his wife are in a car accident and her wicked mother-in-law wants him to believe his wife has died. The mother-in-law has his wife's identity altered with plastic surgery and makes the daughter-in-law believe that her husband died in the accident. The son believes his wife died in the accident, but later sees a finished painting that his wife had not finished prior to the accident. He discovers that his mother had deceived him and his wife. I believe this movie was being played around the same time that Cabaret was released. Thank you.


Chosen answer: I can't be absolutely positive, because I didn't see the movie, I only read the book adaptation of the screenplay, but this sounds very much like The Promise, starring Kathleen Quinlan and Stephen Collins, and released in 1979.


I'm looking for the name of a movie (it probably came out in the early to mid 90s) about two kids that steal a car and go on a joyride. If I remember correctly, they were young, like 8-10. I could have sworn that the title was two names like Sam & Mike, or something like that. I've just about given up hope of finding the name of this movie. Thanks for your time.

Answer: There's a film called "Josh and S.A.M." ( that could be the one. Another film with a similar premise called "Big Shots" came out six years prior. (

Captain Defenestrator

I'm looking for the title of a movie I saw on TV in the mid-90s, which must have been produced in the late 80s or early 90s. The film is set in California and is about a man who rescues a woman who is being pursued by some kind of cult (satanic I think). In one scene the man has a strange encounter in an occult bookshop. The twist is that the woman is in fact a member of the cult and the man is the sacrifice; the cult's ritual requires that the sacrifice arrives at the sacrifice site voluntarily, which the man does thinking he is helping the woman. In the final scene, the woman approaches another man for help, and the cycle is about to repeat itself. Does anyone know this movie?


Chosen answer: Sounds like Spellbinder to me starring Kelly Preston


Years ago I remember watching a two part movie on HBO, STARZ or some other movie channel like that on Comcast's on demand cable. It was about two people who (I think) were having to stay awake because creatures in the dark would come and get them. I think the creatures stalked them and branded them or something, like how we tag animals to track their movement. The creatures branded or tagged them by a red blemish on the skin, which below the blemish was a bone-hook type thing. These monsters lived in the shadows and I can only remember a few scenes so bare with me please. 1. There are 3 characters that I can remember; a guy, his girlfriend and, I think, his ex-girlfriend. In one scene, the guy thinks the creatures have "tagged" his girlfriend because she has a weird mark on her. She's missing the next day. 2. The "ex-girlfriend" goes to a bathroom in a bar and pulls out the bone from her temple. 3. In the final scene the ex-girlfriend ends up in an asylum. The camera pans into a closet and you see all these monsters and then she is dragged into a closet by the creatures. Sorry for the giant post, but I have to find the movie again. Thanks for the help.

Answer: This is the 2002 film "They".


Does anybody know who the film composer is for Eric Rohmer's film, 'My Night With Maud'?

Answer: One of Rohmer's signature touches was that he almost invariably used diagetic music in his films, that is, music that comes from an on-screen source, such as a radio or a character playing a musical instrument as opposed to the vast majority of film scores, which use extra-diagetic music that is used in a scene but cannot be heard by the characters involved. As such, he tended not to employ a composer to create a specific score, but instead populated the film with pre-existing pieces of music from a variety of sources that he would select to be playing on whatever musical object existed with any given scene.


I remember a movie when I was a kid that I can't find the title to. I remember things like there was this device. I think it was rectangular in shape. In one scene, a guy is driving with the device in his car down a desolate highway and the power lines are like blowing up because he has the device in his car. I think I remember things like a guy walking into a building only to find fog, and barbarians. There might have been something with a high school too.


Chosen answer: My Science Project (

Grumpy Scot

I am looking for a movie that has a scene where a man or teen is wandering in the woods and comes across a woman in a cottage or trailer or small house. She has little lambs running around and kills one for her guest. Does anyone remember this scene and this movie? Thanks.


Chosen answer: That sounds like 'Cold Mountain'. Inman is found in a clearing, unconscious and handcuffed to other soldiers that have been killed. The woman frees him and brings him back to her trailer/home in the woods and kills a lamb to feed him.


I remember seeing a movie on TV once. It involved these hijackers who hijacked a plane (no 9/11 movies). This guy on the plane, when threatened with a gun by the hijackers tells them he has a family but they kill him anyway. After that, all I remember is a part where the hijackers are at a fair, looking for someone. Something about a ferris wheel. If anyone could help me, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Chosen answer: Passenger 57, starring Wesley Snipes and Bruce Payne. (

Captain Defenestrator

I once saw an old (1930's) comedy movie with a train. I remember two specific scenes: 1. A donkey was standing too close to the track, and could not be made to move. So the engineer gets off the locomotive and pulls the track aside, and the train made a curve around the donkey. 2. At one point the wood that the locomotive used was almost gone. So the engineer and the fireman started throwing rocks to people living close to the railroad track. These started to throw back wooden blocks because that was all they could find. In the next scene, the fireman and the engineer would collect all the wooden blocks with which the train could continue. The train had a caboose at the end and the guy had a horn that he would blow when something was wrong. I always thought that Buster Keaton played in it, but I've checked all his movies and I can't find it in the list. Does anybody have any idea?

Answer: Based on the information you gave, there's two possibilities. There is a 1925 silent movie starring Buster Keaton, called, "Go West." However, this actually sounds like the 1940 film, also titled, "Go West," starring the Marx Brothers. At the end, there is a wild train ride as the brothers tear apart everything they can find to fuel the locomotive's engine to win a race.


I saw this movie in the 80s, but can't remember any of the actors' names or the title. It is about a bunch of criminals, like drug dealers, car thieves and stuff that get caught, sent to jail and then instead of going to prison they get sent to this island, where they have to survive, work together and eventually go back home to LA, I think.

Answer: Sounds a lot like Band of the Hand (1986).

Gavin Jackson

I cannot remember a movie that I watched sometime ago. I think it was about a son looking for his father, or going to meet his father, and he has his mother in the car. She is remembering his life since his contraception, which was in a car, and then later with her in the hospital giving birth to a son instead of a daughter, which she wanted. Her best friend gives birth to a daughter. The mothers are still friends, but the one who is remembering is always frustrated with her son. I cannot remember the title, but I think it has something to do with 'surrounded by boys' or 'living with boys'. Can anyone help?

Answer: I believe the movie you're looking for is "Riding in Cars with Boys," starring Drew Barrymore.


For any scene that involves someone either standing in front of or walking casually away from a massive explosion, what's usually done to ensure the actor isn't burned from the heat or deafened by the noise?

Answer: Either via a greenscreen or by filming from a forced perspective so that it seems that the actor is closer to the explosion than they really are.

Captain Defenestrator

How are food scenes in films and TV shows catered for, so to speak? Does the crew ready a set number of portions of what will be eaten in the scene beforehand and just hope they get a good take before supply runs out?

Answer: The art department is responsible for creating/dressing sets in film and television. They would provide food for a scene just like any other prop. Either by having a small kitchen on site or ordering the necessary food from a caterer. Most movie set meals are also catered. I imagine there are companies that provide on-camera food as well as feeding the cast and crew.

Grumpy Scot

I saw a film from the 1990s or early 2000s. I only remember the end where the FBI, mafia, cops, a wanted fugitive (I think), criminals, and one of the main characters all get tricked into meeting at a cafe or restaurant. There is a massive shootout, and I think it was all set up to kill one guy. Thanks in advance for the help; this has been killing me for years.


Chosen answer: This sounds like Enemy of the State (1998), where crooked NSA agents, the mob, the FBI, a protagonist dressed as a cop, and another protagonist (a fugitive) all meet in a restaurant, where a gunfight ensues, and the good guys survive.


I saw a movie in the early 90's about a German concentration camp. It was a disturbing movie depicting happenings in the camp. I remember seeing people being led in to gas chambers etc. One particular scene I remember was a little naked boy trying to run away. The German guard let his dog loose and let it chase down the kid killing him. I need to know the title.


Chosen answer: The movie is "Escape from Sobibor" starring Rutger Hauer.

I saw a movie quite a few years ago about a man getting killed by accident before his wedding and he fights against death, then comes back for his girlfriend, but she gets killed just after the man gains his life back. Can anyone tell me the name of this movie?

Answer: "If only" starring Jennifer Love Hewitt.


I remember an episode of Looney Tunes or Merry Melodies which I can't remember its name; throughout the entire episode, a wolf is following Little Red Riding Hood to her grandma's house and keeps seeing this little fellow with a funny walk and a big nose (I think it's egghead but I'm not sure) who passes through the scene and whistles a tune. At the end, after reaching grandma's house, he sees the whistling guy once again and asks who he is. The guy knocks him out with a large hammer and says: "I'm a hunter". Can someone please tell me the name of that episode?

Answer: It's "Little Red Walking Hood". It's exactly as you describe, only in the end, the little guy says, "I'm the hero." The cartoon can be found on the set Looney Tunes Golden Collection Vol. 5.

Trying to remember the title of a movie. Its animated, intelligent and most likely in the Drama-genre. Its got like 4 or 5 main characters. And a key sentence that gets brought up is "Less Theory, More Action" . Also, one of the scenes is them trying to explain dreams, and goes like "To figure out if you're awake or its a dream, try turning off the light switch in a room, the lights don't change by a switch in a dream." Time range of production, 2002-2008 maybe? Anyone seen it? Know the title?

Answer: I think it's "Waking Life.

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