Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: We see the interior of Homer's car twice, first when Homer is at the Hazardous Waste Treatment Center, and then again when he and Marge are trying to escape the angry mob. The dashboard and steering column are entirely different both times. (00:23:20 - 00:35:20)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Simpsons are trying to escape the angry mob, as Marge and Homer get into the car, the driver's side mirror is missing from the door. Then in the next shot, the side mirror appears on the door, but now the rear-view mirror has vanished. (00:33:40)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Homer falls onto the barbecue during the failed escape, there is a lower window at the corner of his house, which didn't exist in the exterior shot of the house, just before we see Homer and Marge watching the news about the silo being discovered. (00:31:50 - 00:34:50)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the gas station market, when Bart puts the can of soda pop on the counter, we see the yellow label on the glass beef jerky jar, facing away from Bart. When Marge points to the beef jerky its label has vanished, then when the clerk points to the similar looking family the label is back. (00:45:00)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bart is inside the gas station market, while Homer pumps gas, Bart puts the soda pop can directly on the counter beside the white mat, but in the next shot, when Bart turns around the can has moved itself onto the mat, at the farther end.

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Simpsons are staying at the Red Rash Inn, there's an air vent on the wall near the door, which appears and disappears between shots.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the Simpsons first get to the spherical cage at the carnival, the truck is parked with its front facing forward and its back end facing away, behind the ride. However, when Homer gets in and drives away, the truck has turned about 90°, with its back end now facing the ride perfectly.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the carnival, when the Simpsons reach the spherical cage, the pick-up truck is parked right beside the base of the ride. In the shot of Homer's failed attempts at riding the motorcycle around the sphere the truck is gone, though it should be seen in this shot. (00:43:00)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the angry mob breaks down the front door of the house, the door knob is on the right side of the fallen door, at Chief Wiggum's feet. However, when Maggie breaks her bottle and thrusts it forward, in the next shot as Mr. Teeny turns and runs away, the doorknob is on the left side of the door, at Bumblebee Man's feet. (00:32:20)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Homer and Marge watch the news about the silo found in the lake, when Homer walks to the window we see that there are two blue panel drapes with tiebacks on the left and right side of the sliding window. However, when Homer shouts at the mob in the exterior shot, there is also another blue panel hanging down at the center of the sliding window, and the side panels are hanging straight down, without the two tiebacks. (00:32:30)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the news broadcast about the silo being discovered in the lake, in the first shot of Homer nailing the bedroom door shut, the blue panel drapes and valance have become beige (seen right behind Lisa and Bart). (00:32:30)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bart looks out the bedroom window, and Ned tells Bart that he and his family should crawl out on the plank to his house, the pair of blue panel drapes and tiebacks have turned yellow. (00:33:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After Homer nailed the bedroom door shut and then mimicked the sound of a chainsaw, when the hands of the angry mob push through the holes again, we see Marge and Lisa sitting at the edge of the bed where the bed's tall footboard should be. The footboard is back when Spider Pig pushes the plank off the windowsill. (00:33:05)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marge and Homer are watching the news about the silo found in the lake, the TV sits on the dresser in front of their bed. The TV has vanished when Lisa runs into the bedroom, and when Marge tells Homer to go out, face the mob and apologize for what he did, the rest of the wall is visible, sans TV. (00:30:40)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the silo has been dumped and the pollutant begins spreading, there is no rope on the ground behind the car, but when Homer gets back into the car to drive away, there is a bunch of rope lying on the ground behind the car. (00:23:05)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Homer dumps the silo, in the overhead shot as it sinks, the car is parked right at the shoreline, then as the pollutant spreads in the water the car is much farther up on shore. (00:23:05)

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Bart has caused the avalanche in Alaska, the animals help Marge and Homer have a special moment, and when the couple join hands note the large window beside the TV, which just vanishes in the following shots of that bedroom.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Homer drives toward the small Alaskan booth, on the road there is a single line of broken yellow lines leading to the booth, but when Homer hugs the booth guy the road is visible and there are double lines consisting of a solid line and broken lines.

Super Grover

The Simpsons Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Homer is driving toward the small Alaskan booth, right beside the booth there is a tall flagpole with two raised flags, but when they leave the flagpole has vanished, though it should be seen in this shot since it's on the same little 'island' as the booth. Also note that the snow on the booth and island has vanished.

Super Grover

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