
18th Nov 2009

Saw III (2006)

Correction: This is due to her struggling to free herself.


4th Jul 2007

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: The first time Kerry's TV shows the view from inside of the closet you can already see one of the bullet holes in the door even though she hasn't even shot yet.

Nick Bylsma

Correction: You can't see the door until she fires at it. And even using slow-mo, you can see there is no bullet holes in the door until Kerry fires the first one.


23rd Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: When Kerry's watching the jigsaw tape there is a box behind her. In one shot the lid is half on, in the next shot (and all other shots) the lid is nowhere to be seen. (00:12:05)

Nick Bylsma

Correction: The lid always remains on the other side of the bed. Her pillow makes it appear that there is a lid on the box.


28th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: As Kerry walks to check out the pieces of the body you can see the evidence markers 7 and 8 are right next to a piece of arm (or leg), but when they start cutting to different pieces only the 7 is by the leg. (00:06:10)

Nick Bylsma

Correction: That's because the camera angle showing 7 doesn't cover where the other marker was.


4th Jul 2007

Saw III (2006)

Corrected entry: When Kerry is explaining how the Tony case doesn't match up she puts her hands in her pockets and leans up against the wall. The shot cuts to a view of Rigg and the detective and she's still leaning against the wall, the cuts back to her and she's standing up straight again (instant cuts, no time to move). (00:10:55)

Nick Bylsma

Correction: She doesn't lean against the wall. Her stance makes it appear that she is leaning against the wall.


Season 1 generally

Corrected entry: When the Dinozords are called, they emerge from their hiding places, and assemble in a line, before formed Megazord Tank mode. During this time, it is a completely rocky background. After the Sabre-toothed tiger assembles, we cut to the Triceratops - which is now assembling in a completely desert-like environment. It then switches back to the rocky environment.

Correction: What we see is the Zords travelling from their hiding places. The triceratops hides somewhere like a desert, so it will change between desert and rocky as the terrain where they all meet is rocky.


Show generally

Corrected entry: This happens until the end of series 3. Lord Zedd and Rita send down monsters to Angel Grove, in California. Yet when they cast their projectiles down to Earth (for example, with Zedd, a lightning bolt) they are seldom ever aimed even in the American continent.

Correction: We also occasionally see them fly around the earth. So its easy to assume they just fly to the destination.


Corrected entry: In the mob scene the boyfriend of Milhouse's mother Luann is seen twice - he's somewhere in the middle, and also at the back of the mob.

Correction: No he isn't.


Corrected entry: When Frink says he made an acid firing super drill, there are people next to him on both his left and right. In the next shot (where we see the acid firing super drill outside the dome), there aren't any people standing next to him on the right, just the left. (00:28:10)

Casual Person

Correction: Due to the camera angles it does appear to be the case. However, you will notice that just before the camera cuts to show the drill, all the people behind Frink are in a line. When we see the drill, the people are still in a line but the people furthest from the camera appear to be closer to Frink.


Corrected entry: When Homer returns home with Spider-Pig, Maggie's high chair is positioned to be facing the archway between the kitchen and living room. A few seconds later, after Marge realises Spider-Pig is the twisted tail, Marge says "I believe what happened in church was a warning about precisely this" and Maggie's high chair is suddenly positioned to face the fridge. (00:15:30)

Casual Person

Correction: We see Maggie's highchair from a completely different angle and as such, the angle makes it appear it's facing the fridge when in reality it is still facing the arch.


Corrected entry: When Grandpa is freaking out in church, Milhouse's dad Kirk is sitting directly behind Homer. But when Homer is looking through the Bible to try and help Grandpa, there is no sign of Kirk at all. (00:05:45)

Casual Person

Correction: Due to the angle of the camera he will not be visible when Homer is flicking through the bible.


I watched this scene carefully and at least part of him should have been visible.

I agree because Kirk is sitting at the end of the pew, and we can see part of the pew behind Homer that Kirk was sitting at.


31st Dec 2010

The Lion King (1994)

Corrected entry: After the presentation of Simba, Mufasa and Zazu confront Scar in a cave. Right before Scar walks offscreen, watch how Zazu changes his position. When Zazu snaps at Scar by saying "Pity. Why not?", he's standing right between both of Mufasa's front paws. But from one frame to the next he's standing significantly further away from them. (00:06:30)


Correction: This is an illusion caused by the angles. The first shot is high above and as such he appears close to Mufasa. The second shot is lots lower and thus gives the impression of him being further away.


31st Jan 2012

The Lion King (1994)

Corrected entry: After Scar warns Mufasa never to turn his back on him, he turns away and walks gingerly out of the cave. Scar is about to take a step with his right paw immediately before the shot changes. Once it does, his left paw takes the next step instead. (00:06:20)


Correction: We see Scar take a step with his right paw then the shot changes and he takes a step with his left. No mistake.


4th Feb 2005

The Lion King (1994)

Corrected entry: In the very first scene in the movie, where Scar is playing with the mouse, the size of the mouse relative to Scar changes between shots. When he's rolling it over his 'fingers' we can see that its body is roughly the same size as a finger, but while it's pinned down as Scar talks to Zazu it seems much smaller than that. Finally, when the mouse escapes, it's much larger than it was in the beginning.

Correction: We don't see the mouse when it is pinned down, only its tail, so we can't say that it is smaller when pinned down. Throughout the rest of the shots it remains the same size.


28th Oct 2003

The Lion King (1994)

Corrected entry: During the presentation of Simba, two elephants kneel down. In the overhead shots before and after, there is only a group of three and one apart from the others. (00:03:35)

Correction: In the overhead shots we don't see all the animals so it's safe to assume they could be somewhere else.


27th Apr 2010

Bones (2005)

The Man in the SUV - S1-E2

Corrected entry: Bones and Booth arrive at the FBI after she has identified the body. The two argue about Booth's having a relationship. In the medium shot, Bones has her hair tucked behind her right ear. In long shots, it's not. (00:13:45)


Correction: The hair is still tucked behind her ear, however with her moving her head a lot, it comes loose.


19th Nov 2008

Bones (2005)

The Man in the SUV - S1-E2

Corrected entry: At the scene of the bomb attack, Booth introduces Bones to Department of Homeland Security agent Bennett Gibson. Bones met agent Gibson in a very dramatic way in the previous, pilot episode, where she threw him to the floor after Booth had asked him to detain Bones at the airport.

Jeff Walker

Correction: So Booth forgot or just got carried away. Not a mistake.


Just about everything in the series supports that the Bones character would not forget. A mistake for sure.

No denying that. The original mistake however states Booth introduced them. There is nothing to suggest Bones forgot.


Corrected entry: After Johanna hits Katniss in the head, she rubs blood on Katniss' neck. When Katniss is later picked up by the crane, the blood is missing. (02:05:55 - 02:10:50)

Correction: Katniss has a long walk back to the tree. Enough time to wipe the blood off her neck.


28th Feb 2006

Mr. Bean (1989)

Mr. Bean Rides Again - S1-E9

Corrected entry: When Mr. Bean is standing next to the man at the bus-stop, the man starts to have a heart attack. He starts to make choking sounds and gargling sounds, but his mouth is wide open like he is screaming, not gargling. (00:02:10)

Correction: You can make gargling sounds with your mouth open.


15th May 2004

Mr. Bean (1989)

The Curse Of Mr. Bean - S1-E4

Corrected entry: In the swimming pool scene, we see the female lifeguard swapping places with the male lifeguard on a raised seat by the pool. However, shortly afterwards, he tells everyone to leave the pool and is not on the platform. (Why would he go up to the platform in the first place if everyone was getting out shortly anyway?)

Correction: Some swimming pools have a policy where a life guard must be up on a platform for the times that the pool is open. While it is a bit pointless going up for a few minutes, if it's the policy of that pool, it must be adhered to. When he orders everyone out, we see him out of the chair, but not how far away he is from the chair so he could easily be standing just a few feet from the chair.


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