Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I read somewhere that at the very end of the film, when the flying saucer has flown away, you can hear Scully whisper "I saw it" or something to that effect. Has anyone tried listening for that?

Answer: It's actually fairly clear. I've heard it every time I've watched the movie.


Answer: 4349: Gabby Solis (was also in the Jimmy Stewart film "Harvey"). 4353: Susan Mayer (was also in The Hardy Boys and Deep Impact). 4355: Lynette Scavo (was also in Bedtime for Bonzo). 4350: Martha Huber. 4352: Mary Alice Young (also in Leave it to Beaver). 4354: Bree Van DeCamp (also in The 'Burbs and Providence). 4356: Mike Delfino.


Question: About how long would Annie's cab ride in the beginning of the movie have taken in real time?

Answer: From LAX to Downtown, about 40 minutes to an hour. Depending on the traffic getting out of the airport and heading to downtown.

Jane Doe

Living in LA all my life, I can tell you the drive can be made in 20 minutes, without speeding. This is of course given light traffic conditions, which seems to be the case in the movie. Heavy traffic will add time of course, I'd say 45-50 mins at the most. (A quick Google Maps search just put the drive at 22 mins).


Question: What is the title of the song playing when Bill is dying after the Bride performs the five point exploding heart on him?

Answer: Taken Directly from The music that plays during Bill's (David Carradine) death scene is the theme from the film Navajo Joe (1966). It can also be heard in the film Election (1999) during the scene where Tracy (Reese Witherspoon) tears down the posters in the school's hallway.


Question: Why does Herbie have the number 53? Is there a special reason for this number?

Answer: I found this through a short Google search. On the website Bill Walsh, producer of "The Love Bug" came up with the number 53 from Los Angeles Dodgers baseball player Don Drysdale's uniform. He chose the red, white, and blue racing stripes for a patriotic theme.


Question: When Sam and Carter and Rhonda are at the costume place looking for costumes for Sam, what is the costume that Carter points to and says, "There is this one"?

Answer: He is pointing to a red dress with some sort of black coat. Possibly a female Dracula costume.


Question: Did the pair of Levi's used in the movie actually fit all of the actresses, or did they all have their own pair? If it fit them all, did they have multiple pairs?

Answer: It seems nearly impossible that one pair of pants would actually fit four actresses of such different heights and weights. One of the "magic" properites of the pants was that they did manage to fit all the girls in the story, so it's probably safe to assume that different pairs were actually used for filming.


Question: What nationality are the actors that play the "natives" of Skull Island?

Answer: Several of them were native New Zealanders, such as the young girl (Jacinta Wawatai) and the old hag (Vicky Haughton).

Mad Ade

Question: What are the nuns doing to Marie de Tourvel when she is sick? What possible benefit did they feel it would have?


Chosen answer: It looked to me like they were performing what is known as "cupping". "Cupping" is a branch of Chinese medicine where a cup (often heated, the so-called "fire cupping") is used to create a vacuum on certain areas of the skin, to simulate acupressure. It is said to relieve respiratory problems and muscular pains ad to stimulate the flow of life energy in the patient. How these French nuns came to know of and approve of the technique is another matter..


Question: If the wall around Skull island was built to keep Kong and presumably other creatures such as the dinosaurs in, why was the gate made large enough for them to get through?

Mad Ade

Chosen answer: The original creator of King Kong, Merin C. Cooper, wrote a novel adaption of the movie in which it was explained that the gates were built by a earlier culture of islanders that were friends with the "Kong" race. The "Kongs" helped the original islanders to build their village and the wall (thus meaning the gate had to be big enough for the giant gorillas to walk through). By the time of the events of the movie, the original islanders have "died out" and their old village had been taken over by a race of more primitive natives who became enemies with the Kongs, and were trying to use the gates for safety.

Question: Does anyone know, or has anyone noticed if Peter Jackson makes a cameo in this film?

Answer: He appears as one of the biplane gunners in the closing sequence. Other cameos in this sequence include Rick Porras, Jackson's co-producer on The Lord of the Rings, and Frank Darabont, writer and director of The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, also both playing gunners, and Rick Baker, make-up artist extraordinaire who played Kong in the 1976 remake, appearing here as one of the pilots.


Question: It is understood that before you die, you see the ring. Noah's coffee cup makes a ring, and Rachel sees the lid of the well before she's supposed to die. But does Katie see anything ring-shaped in the beginning?

Answer: The television activates itself just as Katie is putting the glass to her lips - from her point of view, the rim of the glass would form a ring that filled her entire vision.


Question: As Denethor has the funeral pyre prepared, he refers to the "heathen" kings of old. What sort of religion does Gondor have now that older kings could be "heathens"?


Chosen answer: In Denethor's time, Gondor follows the Vala, the good "gods" of the world, in the manner of the Elves, although religion really is not much of a point in Middle-Earth. The "heathen kings" Denethor speaks of were before Elendil founded Gondor, when descendants of Númenoreans lived in small fiefdoms as little kings in this area. Many of them worshipped Sauron and followed him, and may have used burning as a funeral rite.


Question: Why would they destroy a house, just because the owner has died and before the house has been emptied?

Answer: It was deliberately demolished ahead of schedule, in an attempt to kill him.


Question: Why didn't the sheriff do anything about Packard's gang? Surely someone must have wanted to file a complaint at some point? And if the sheriff isn't doing his job, why doesn't the state police step in?

Answer: After the first race where Augie is killed the sheriff says "I've been waiting to catch you guys in the act. Been waiting and watching." So we can assume there were complaints made however the sheriff may not have had enough evidence to shut them down completly. As far as the state police, I'm not sure. May be a jurisdictional thing.

Mister Ed

I agree with this answer. Packard was very careful not to flagrantly break any laws. He even said this to Loomis in the "paper doll" scene later in the movie - Packard says that the gang hadn't done anything except "bust the speed limit."

Question: A baseball writer discovers Stan Ross never actually had 3000 hits because in one game in 1982 he had three hits counted twice. He says the game was called for a curfew and finished later. Does anyone know of any major league baseball game called for curfew, or any other time limit?

Answer: On May 12, 1972, the Milwaukee Brewers and the Minnesota Twins played 21 innings to a 3-3 tie before the 1 AM curfew. Play resumed the next day before the regularly scheduled game. Milwaukee scored in the top of the 22nd to win 4-3. In the regular game that followed, Minnesota won 4-3 in 15 innings.


Question: Near the end of the movie Max figures out that 2004 Mccomb came back to 1994 to make sure that he wins the presidency. Since the first half of the film takes place in 1994, how could 2004 Mccomb travel to 1994 when the TEC hasn't been fully formed yet?

Answer: The fact that the TEC doesn't exist in 1994 is irrelevant - McComb has access to time travel equipment in 2004 and uses it to travel back. There's no apparent limitation on when they can travel to - in the course of the film, we see characters who have travelled much further back than '94.


Question: When Cartman starts doing the foreign languages during the "Kyles mom is a bitch" song, are they accurate translations?

Answer: Nope. I believe it's just gibberish.

Cubs Fan

Question: Does anyone know a website that details all the changes made in the special editions?

Answer: There's a fairly complete list located at Wikipedia. Here's the link.

Cubs Fan

Season 1 generally

Question: How do I access commentaries on the Season 1 DVDs? I've been trying for months and can't seem to find them, but the DVD wrapper promises "commentary on every episode."

Answer: There are two ways to do this. On the main menus, you can find them in the Language Selection section of every episode. Or, upon playing the episode, press your audio button on your remote a few times and you should start hearing the commentary.


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